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13 Art Movements Children Should Know

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2014-12-22
  • Publisher: Prestel Junior
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The latest volume in this successful series introduces young readers to major movements in art history—from Romanesque to Pop art. Filled with gorgeous color reproductions and packed with fascinating information, this beautiful book presents a chronological sampling of the world’s important artistic styles. Double-page spreads provide a detailed description of each movement, representative illustrations, and a timeline that places the artwork in its historical context. All of these elements are presented in a playful, eye-catching manner that will appeal to a wide range of young readers. The book also features numerous ideas for projects that kids can undertake themselves and offers helpful suggestions for learning more about each style. Children will find hours of fun reading that will equip them with essential knowledge—enhancing and deepening their understanding of art history and inspiring them in their own artistic endeavors.

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