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1985 BACK OF THE TRUCK My ride with Sagon Penn

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-12-24
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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This is a book about one of the most interesting murder trials ever where the defense attorney was real cunning. And the evidence kept piling in on the officer who survived as being a racist where claims at the academy. That he used racial slurs where his fellow officers all knew he was racist. Where one former Police officer testified for the defense saying he was the biggest racist he ever met let alone worked with. Where this same person claim that officer tried to have him killed for testifying. Where the defendant stayed in jail after his hung jury because of fear of being killed.

Author Biography

My name is Cedric D. Gregory, I'm 53 years old. I have ten Children, five Grandchildren. I was born and raised in San Diego CA. In south east where I grew up in Emerald Hills . I currently reside at the same resident with my three kids and elderly Mother and siblings .We been at the same house for a blessed dirty five years. I grew up a Mama's boy in single parent home no father figure around it was a new community in south east. So when we became teenagers everyone was falling into gangs around south east so we followed that path also I had only been in a gang when this incident took place .I had a steady decline into drugs later even prison when I first started to read books. And was like I can do this I started on this book in 2004 . Just now my life is in a place where it's just me and my family the fast life is behind. I'm a member of Grace Church Spring Valley where I joined in 2016. Fresh from the Re-entry facility and was welcome even though they know I just got out of Federal Prison. I just had to tell the story is and outs as only I can tell it .I plan on writing more books and staying a positive force in our community warning our Youth about the danger of gangs and drugsBorn in South Bend, Indiana raised in San Diego,CA. There through countless nights in the end helping me get my book together going through the slang words. Me telling her that has to stay and no it has to go like that and her convincing me some things that I needed to change.

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