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2,100 Asanas The Complete Yoga Poses

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-11-10
  • Publisher: Black Dog & Leventhal
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This fully-illustrated New York Times bestseller categorizes an astonishing 2,100 yoga poses through photographs and descriptions for optimal benefit including adaptations for all levels of expertise and ages.

A thoughtful, inspiring, meticulously-crafted guide to the practice of yoga, 2,100 Asanas will explore hundreds of familiar poses along with modified versions designed to bring more healthful options to yogis of all experience and ability.

Organized into eight sections for the major types of poses -- standing, seated, core, quadruped, inversions, prone, supine and backbends -- and each section gently progresses from easy to more challenging. Each pose is accompanied by the name of the pose in English and Sanskrit, the Drishti point (eye gaze), the chakras affected and primary benefits.

Author Biography

Daniel Lacerda (Mr. Yoga) is a long-time yoga practitioner, teacher and entrepreneur who has helped thousands of people, including TV celebrities and Olympic athletes learn to practice yoga for fitness and relaxation. He serves as an ambassador for Lululemon and Nike, and has been featured in Men's Health. His company, Mr. Yoga Inc., is a global brand. He lives in Toronto, Canada.

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