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50+ Super-Fun Math Activities: Grade 3 Easy Standards-Based Lessons, Activities, and Reproducibles That Build and Reinforce the Math Skills and Concepts 3rd Graders Need to Know

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-05-01
  • Publisher: Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies)
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List Price: $11.99 Save up to $0.01
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Students build critical thinking and put problem solving strategies to work with these fun, ready-to-go, learning packed activities! Motivating puzzles, riddles, games, stories, and interactive reproducibles reinforce grade specific math skills and concepts and build computational fluency. Includes ideas for group and class discussions, suggestions for connecting to writing and math, easy assessment ideas, and student self-assessment forms, teacher checklists, and scoring rubrics.Connects to NCTM and state standards.Engaging activities motivate students to practise and master grade-specific math skills and concepts.Covers key math topics and skills, such as place value and numeration, operations, time, measurement, money, patterns and relationships, collecting and graphing data, geometry and spatial sense, making real-life math connections, and much more.Includes assessment ideas and forms.

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