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Adolescent Health : Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-06-02
  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass

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This substantially revised second edition of Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research focusing on the most current research on individual, community, and ecological approaches. The 17 theories described cover the spectrum of health behavior and behavior change, including social influences, self-esteem, conservation of resources, self-determination, community coalition, community capacity, natural helpers, prevention marketing, social action, gender and power, triadic influence, and interactive domain. Each chapter includes a summary, and the contents are bracketed by individual chapters on foundations of theory, and applying of theory.

Author Biography

Ralph J. DiClemente, PhD, is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Public Health and Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, and Immunology, and associate director, Emory Center for AIDS Research.

John S. Santelli, MD, MPH, is the Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Professor and chair of the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, New York.

Richard A. Crosby, PhD, is DDI Endowed Professor and chair, Department of Health Behavior, University of Kentucky, College of Public Health, Lexington, Kentucky.

Table of Contents

List of Figures, Tables, and Exhibits
The Contributors
Foundations And Theory In Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Adolescents At Risk: A Generation In Jeopardy
Trends In Adolescent And Young Adult Morbidity And Mortality
Population Characteristics
High-Risk Behaviors as Underlying Causes of Death
Mental Health
Theories Of Adolescent Risk Taking: The Biopsychosocial Model
Biologically Based Theories of Risk Taking
Psychologically Based Theories of Risk Taking
Social and Environmental Theories of Risk Taking
The Biopsychosocial Model of Risk Taking
Resilience In Adolescence
Defi ning the Terms
Conceptual Framework
Ecological Factors
Adolescent Neurodevelopment, Stress, and Resilience
Resilience and Evidence-Based Interventions
Theories And Models Of Adolescent Decision Making
Key Concepts and Research Findings
Decision Science and Social Cognition Models of Health Behavior
Adolescents and Adults
Biological Underpinnings Of Adolescent Development
The Organizational-Activational Hypothesis: Hormonal Changes from Fetal Through Adolescent Development
Positive Youth Development: Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives
Prior Theoretical Models of Adolescent Development
Origins of the Positive Youth Development Perspective
Defi ning Features of Developmental Systems Theories
Features of the PYD Perspective
Preventing Key Health Risk Behaviors
Tobacco Use And Adolescent Health
Scope of the Problem and Health Outcomes
Strategies for Reducing the Risk of Tobacco Use Among Adolescents
Understanding And Preventing Risks For Adolescent Obesity
Health Promotion and Risk Prevention
Adolescent Alcohol Use
Epidemiology of Alcohol Use Among Teens
Promoting Health and Preventing Risk of Alcohol Use Among Youth
Substance Use Among Adolescents: Risk, Prevention, And Treatment
Epidemiology of Adolescents' Illicit Substance Use
Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Substance Abuse
Prevention of Adolescents' Illicit Substance Use
Treatment of Adolescent Substance Abuse and Dependence
Adolescent Violence: Risk, Resilience, And Prevention
Key Concepts
Examples of Resiliency-Based Interventions Used in Schools
Prevention Of Suicidal Behavior During Adolescence
Unintentional Injuries Among Adolescents
Unintentional Injuries
Motor Vehicle Injuries
Strategies for Reducing Motor Vehicle-Related Injuries
Home and Recreation Injuries
Strategies for Reducing Home and Recreation Injuries
Settings for Adolescent Injury
Preventing and Controlling Injuries
Sexually Transmitted Disease Transmission And Pregnancy Among Adolescents
Key Concepts and Research Findings
Interventions To Prevent Pregnancy And Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Including Hiv Infection
Methods Used in This Review
Curriculum-Based Sex and STD/HIV Education Programs
Youth Development Programs
Intensive Programs Combining Youth Development and Reproductive Health
Communitywide Pregnancy or STD/HIV Prevention Programs
Populations, Policy, And Prevention Strategies
Incarcerated And Delinquent Youth
Key Concepts: Health Conditions and Health Behavior
Roles for Health Professionals
The Health-Promoting Correctional Facility
Depression And Sexual Risk Behavior In Adolescents
Epidemiology of HIV, STIs, and Pregnancy in Adolescents
Depressive Symptoms, Mood Disorders, and Emotional Distress in Adolescents
Implications for Research
Implications for Health Care
Connectedness In The Lives Of Adolescents
Key Concepts and Research Findings: What Is Meant by "Connectedness"?
Family Influences On Adolescent Health
Key Concepts and Research Findings
Future Directions for Family-Focused Research
Media Exposure And Adolescents' Health behavior
Teens and Media Use
The Infl uence of Media on Adolescents
Solutions: Improving Media for Adolescents
Technological Advances In Modifying Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors
Key Concepts and Research Findings
Measuring Adolescent Health Behaviors
Types of Measures
Measurement Error
Brief Motivational Interventions For Adolescent Health Promotion In Clinical Settings
Brief Intervention
Health Policy Approaches To Reduce Adolescent Risk Behavior And Adverse Health Consequences
The Ecological Model
Principles of Policy Approaches
Physical Activity and Obesity
Sexual Health
Legal And Ethical Issues In Adolescent Health Care And Research
Health, Human Rights, and Ethical Principles
Legal Status of Adolescents and Access to Health Care
Research Regulation and Ethics
Adolescent Risk Behaviors And Adverse Health Outcomes: Future Directions For Research, Practice, And Policy
Prevention Research and Practice Are Interdisciplinary
Adolescent Health Promotion Needs to Address Multiple Levels of Causality
Strategies Are Needed to Improve the Sustainability of Health Promotion Programs
New and Promising Theoretical Orientations
The Need to Improve Prevention Program Transfer
The Need to Measure Cost-Effectiveness in Health Promotion Research
Interactions Between Spheres of Infl uence: Lessons for the Future
Name Index
Subject Index
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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