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The Afrocentric Idea

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1989-02-01
  • Publisher: Temple Univ Pr

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Table of Contents

Dancing between Circles and Linesp. 1
The Situationp. 25
Rhetorical Condition as a Conceptual Fieldp. 27
The Idea of a Metatheoryp. 45
African Foundations of Nommop. 71
The Resistancep. 93
African American Orature and Contextp. 95
Mythoforms in African American Communicationp. 107
Rhetoric of Resistancep. 122
Choosing Freedomp. 138
Africa as Conceptp. 160
The Liberationp. 171
The Search for an Afrocentric Methodp. 173
Transcendence: The Curved Linep. 196
Notesp. 213
Indexp. 231
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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