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Albert Einstein Young Thinker

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1986-10-31
  • Publisher: Aladdin
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Albert Einstein is a household name synonymous with genius around the world. His work unlocked mysteries of the universe and also impacted everyday conveniences like remote controls and televisions. And while most are familiar with Einstein’s adult wisdom (and wild hair), do you know what he was like as a child?

From his passion for music—he played both the violin and the piano—to his early curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science, in this narrative biography you’ll learn all about Albert Einstein’s childhood and the influences that shaped the life of a remarkable man.

Author Biography

Marie Hammontree (1913–2012) was born in Indiana and lived there her entire life. She was the author of several books, including Will and Charlie Mayo, Boy Doctors; A. P. Giannini, Boy of San Francisco; Albert Einstein, Young Thinker; Mohandas Gandhi, A Boy of Principle; and Walt Disney, Young Movie Maker.

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