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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1985-11-01
  • Publisher: Viking Pr
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The author discusses the adverse effects of watching television, a medium he claims treats everything as entertainment. Postman also wrote Teaching as a Conserving Activity (1979).

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vii
The Medium Is the Metaphorp. 3
Media as Epistemologyp. 16
Typographic Americap. 30
The Typographic Mindp. 44
The Peek-a-Boo Worldp. 64
The Age of Show Businessp. 83
"Now ... This"p. 99
Shuffle Off to Bethlehemp. 114
Reach Out and Elect Someonep. 125
Teaching as an Amusing Activityp. 142
The Huxleyan Warningp. 155
Notesp. 165
Bibliographyp. 173
Indexp. 177
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