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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 9th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-07-15
  • Publisher: Wiley

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Looking to rent a book? Rent The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits [ISBN: 9781119723424] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Thomas, Roland E.; Rosa, Albert J.; Toussaint, Gregory J.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


While most texts focus on how and why electric circuits work, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits taps into engineering students’ desire to explore, create, and put their learning into practice. Students from across disciplines will gain a practical, in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles underlying so much of modern, everyday technology. Early focus on the analysis, design, and evaluation of electric circuits promotes the development of design intuition by allowing students to test their designs in the context of real-world constraints and practical situations.

This updated Ninth Edition features an emphasis on the use of computer software, including Excel, MATLAB, and Multisim, building a real-world problem-solving style that reflects that of practicing engineers. Software skills are integrated with examples and exercises throughout the text, and coverage of circuit design and evaluation, frequency response, mutual inductance, ac power circuits, and other central topics has been revised for clarity and ease of understanding. With an overarching goal of instilling smart judgement surrounding design problems and innovative solutions, this unique text provides inspiration and motivation alongside an essential knowledge base. 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1 –1 About This Book 2

1 –2 Symbols and Units 3

1 –3 Circuit Variables 5

1 –4 Computational and Simul at ion Software Introduction 11

Summary 12

Chapter 2 Basic Circuit Analysis 13

2 –1 Element Constraints 14

2 –2 Connection Constraints 19

2 –3 Combined Constraints 26

2 –4 Equivalent Circuits 32

2 –5 Voltage and Current Division 40

2 –6 Circuit Reduction 48

2 –7 Computer - Aided Circuit Analysis 53

Summary 58

Chapter 3 Circuit Analysis Techniques 59

3 –1 Node - Voltage Analysis 60

3 –2 Mesh - Current Analysis 76

3 –3 Linearity Properties 84

3 –4 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 94

3 –5 Maximum Signal Transfer 105

3 –6 Interface Circuit Design 108

Summary 120

Chapter 4 Active Circuits 121

4–1 Linear Dependent Sources 122

4–2 Analysis of Circuits with Dependent Sources 123

4–3 The Operational Amplifier 144

4–4 OP AMP Circuit Analysis 152

4–5 OP AMP Circuit Design 167

4–6 OP AMP Circuit Applications 174

Summary 193

Chapter 5 Signal Waveforms 195

5 –1 Introduction 196

5 –2 The Step Wave form 197

5 –3 The Exponential Waveform 202

5 –4 The Sinusoidal Waveform 208

5 –5 Composite Waveforms 215

5 –6 Wave form Partial Descriptors 222

Summary 228

Chapter 6 Capacitance and Inductance 229

6 –1 The Capacitor 230

6 –2 The Inductor 237

6 –3 Dynamic OP AMP Circuits 244

6 –4 Equivalent Capacitance and Inductance 252

Summary 256

Chapter 7 First- and Second-Order Circuits 257

7–1 RC and RL Circuits 258

7–2 First-Order Circuit Step Response 269

7–3 Initial and Final Conditions 278

7–4 First-Order Circuit Response to Exponential and Sinusoidal Inputs 285

7–5 The Series RLC Circuit 293

7–6 The Parallel RLC Circuit 303

7–7 Second-Order Circuit Step Response 309

Summary 318

Chapter 8 Sinusoidal Steady-State Response 319

8 –1 Sinusoids and Phasors 320

8–2 Phasor Circuit Analysis 326

8–3 Basic Phasor Circuit Analysis and Design 332

8 –4 Circuit Theorems with Phasors 347

8–5 General Circuit Analysis with Phasors 360

8 –6 Energy and Power 375

Summary 380

Chapter 9 Laplace Transforms 381

9–1 Signal Waveforms and Transforms 382

9–2 Basic Properties and Pairs 386

9–3 Pole-Zero Diagrams 394

9–4 Inverse Laplace Transforms 397

9–5 Circuit Response Using Laplace Transforms 408

9–6 Initial and Final Value Properties 416

Summary 418

Chapter 10 S-Domain Circuit Analysis 419

10–1 Transformed Circuits 420

10–2 Basic Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 429

10–3 Circuit Theorems in the s Domain 434

10–4 Node-Voltage Analysis in the s Domain 444

10–5 Mesh-Current Analysis in the s Domain 453

10–6 Summary of s-Domain Circuit Analysis 459

Summary 463

Chapter 11 Network Functions 464

11–1 Definition of a Network Function 465

11–2 Network Functions of One-and Two-Port Circuits 468

11–3 Network Functions and Impulse Response 479

11–4 Network Functions and Step Response 482

11–5 Network Functions and Sinusoidal Steady-State Response 486

11–6 Impulse Response and Convolution 494

11–7 Network Function Design and Evaluation 500

Summary 515

Chapter 12 Frequency Response 517

12–1 Frequency-Response Descriptors 518

12–2 Bode Diagrams 520

12–3 First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Responses 522

12–4 Bandpass and Bandstop Responses 538

12–5 The Frequency Response of RL C Circuits 546

12–6 Bode Diagrams with Real Poles and Zeros 556

12–7 Bode Diagrams with Complex Poles and Zeros 565

12–8 Frequency Response and Step Response 572

Summary 577

Chapter 13 Fourier Series 579

13–1 Overview of Fourier Series 580

13–2 Fourier Coefficients 581

13–3 Waveform Symmetries 590

13–4 Circuit Analysis Using the Fourier Series 592

13–5 RMS Value and Average Power 601

Summary 607

Chapter 14 Active Filter Design 608

14–1 Active Filters 609

14–2 Second-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 610

14–3 Second-Order Bandpass and Bandstop Filters 619

14–4 Low-Pass Filter Design 627

14–5 Low-Pass Filter Evaluation 647

14–6 High-Pass Filter Design and Evaluation 651

14–7 Bandpass and Bandstop Filter Design 662

Summary 666

Chapter 15 Mutual Inductance and Transformers 668

15–1 Coupled Inductors 669

15–2 The Dot Convention 671

15–3 Energy Analysis 674

15–4 The Ideal Transformer 676

15–5 Linear Transformers 683

Summary 690

Chapter 16 AC Power Systems 691

16–1 Average and Reactive Power 692

16–2 Complex Power 694

16–3 Single-Phase Circuit Analysis 697

16–4 Single-Phase Power Flow 701

16–5 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 705

16–6 Three-Phase Circuit Analysis 710

16–7 Three-Phase Power Flow 721

Summary 724

Chapter 17 Two-Port Networks 725

17–1 Introduction 726

17–2 Impedance Parameters 727

17–3 Admittance Parameters 729

17–4 Hybrid Parameters 732

17–5 Transmission Parameters 734

17–6 Two-Port Conversions and Connections 736

Summary 742

Chapter 18 Fourier Transforms 743

18–1 Introduction to Fourier Transforms 744

18–2 Circuit Analysis Using Fourier Transforms 757

18–3 Impulse Response and Convolution 760

18–4 Parseval ’s Theorem 763

Summary 768

Problems P-1

Appendix A Solution of Linear Equations A-1

Appendix B Butterworth and Chebyshev Poles B-1

Appendix C Behaviorally Motivated Learning C-1

Appendix F Complex Numbers F-1

Appendix G Standard Values and Reference G-1

Answers To Selected Problems

Index I-1

Appendix D – Computational Tools(Available in e-text for students) D-1

Appendix E – Solutions To Exercises(Available in e-text for students) E-1

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