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Anatomy Coloring Book with 450+ Realistic Medical Illustrations with Quizzes for Each + 96 Perforated Flashcards of Muscle Origin, Insertion, Action, and Innervation

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 8th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-08-03
  • Publisher: Kaplan Test Prep
  • View Upgraded Edition
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $29.99


Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for Anatomy Coloring Book, ISBN 9781506281216, on sale August 1, 2023.

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Author Biography

Stephanie Paulnock McCann, MA (Tacoma, WA), is a distinguished medical illustrator and fine artist who specializes in work that depicts the amazing beauty of the anatomy of the human body in both traditional and digital media. Her artwork can be seen at stephaniemccann.com.

Eric Wise, MA (Santa Barbara, CA), has taught biology for over 30 years at colleges and universities in California. He is the author of four laboratory manuals in anatomy and physiology.

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