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Animals and Human Society: Changing Perspectives

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1994-03-30
  • Publisher: Routledge

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Why do animals provoke such strong and contradictory emotions in people? Do our western attitudes have anything in common with those of other cultures and societies? As modern society begins to re/examine its relationship with animals, as well as the larger global environment, the idea of small, utopian minorities as the only ones concerned with issues of animal welfare and environmental protections has begun to be replaced. Vast numbers of articulate supporters, from Hollywood stars to powerful political figures are now at the forefront of these fights. Animals, both wild and domestic--spotted owls, alley cats, lab rats, and vanishing other species--are the most visible issue in the debates. Animals and Societybrings together a broad range of contributions from those distinguished in the field. The book explores the importance of of animals in socety from social, historical and cross-cultural perspectives.

Table of Contents

Introductionp. xi
From Trust to Dominationp. 1
Notesp. 20
The Unnatural Worldp. 23
Animals in the Ancient Worldp. 36
Animals in Medieval Perceptionsp. 59
Cruelty and Kindness to the 'Brute Creation'p. 81
Referencesp. 101
Animals in Nineteenth-Century Britainp. 106
Pets and the Development of Positive Attitudes to Animalsp. 127
Managing Emotions in an Animal Shelterp. 145
Referencesp. 165
Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviour toward Wildlife among the Industrial Superpowersp. 166
Referencesp. 185
Bridge-Building at Lastp. 188
Referencesp. 194
Indexp. 195
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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