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The Apostles' Creed A Faith to Live By

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-04-21
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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Written in the belief that it is important for Christians to love God with the mind as well as the heart, soul and strength, this book clearly and concisely explains the Apostle's Creed for anyone who wishes a fuller understanding of what Christians believe. The Apostle's Creed dates from the very early times of the Church. Legend has it that the Apostles wrote this creed on the tenth day after Christ's ascension into heaven. That is not the case, though the name stuck. After briefly describing the historical origins and present day importance of the Creed, C.E.B. Cransfield discusses each line in language that is precise, straightforward and simple, yet not condescending. He draws heavily on Scripture to explain the Creed and stresses the importance of faith being both individual and collective, continually showing how this ancient Creed's affirmation relate in practical ways to life in today's world.

Author Biography

C. E. B. Cranfield is Professor Emeritus of Theology at the University of Durham.

Table of Contents

The Origin and Importance of the Creedp. 5
I Believep. 8
In God, the Father Almightyp. 12
Creator of Heaven and Earthp. 16
I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lordp. 21
He Was Conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Maryp. 26
He Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Died, and Was Buried. He Descended to the Deadp. 31
On the Third Day He Rose Againp. 36
He Ascended into Heaven, and Is Seated at the Right Hand of the Fatherp. 43
He Will Come Again to judge the Living and the Deadp. 49
I Believe in the Holy Spiritp. 54
The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saintsp. 60
The Forgiveness of Sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life Everlastingp. 66
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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