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Aristotle: The Politics and the Constitution of Athens

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Student
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1996-10-13
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press

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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


This new collection of Aristotle’s political writings provides the student with all the necessary materials for a full understanding of his work as a political scientist. Not only does it offer an unusually lucid and accessible account of The Politics, it also shows the relation between this and his studies as a constitutional historian. Only one of Aristotle’s many constitutions - The Constitution of Athens -has survived and this is now presented here alongside The Politics so that the student can appreciate both the empirical and the theoretical aspects of Aristotle’s political science. This expanded Cambridge Texts edition contains an extensive guide to further reading and an index of names with biographical notes, in addition to a revised and extended introduction. Presentation of The Politics and The Constitution of Athens in a single volume will make this the most attractive and convenient student edition of these seminal works currently available.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements vii(2)
Introduction ix(29)
Note on the texts xxxviii(1)
Principal events xxxix(1)
A guide to further reading xl
The Nicomachean Ethics, BOOK X, CHAPTER 9 1(8)
The Politics 9(200)
BOOK I 1-2, The nature of the state; 3-13, The household and its constituents -- slaves, property, children and wives
Discussion of ideal states: 1-5, Republic; 6 Laws; 7, Phaleas; 8, Hippodamus
Discussion of existing states: 9, Sparta; 10, Crete; 11, Carthage; 12, Lawgivers
BOOK III 1-5, The citizen; 6-13, Classification of constitutions; 14-18, monarchy
BOOK IV 1-10, Constitutional variations; 11-13, The ideal state; 14-16, Guidelines for legislators
BOOK V 1-7, Revolutions: their causes; 8-12, How to avoid them
BOOK VI Democracies and oligarchies
BOOK VII 1-3, The good life; 4-12, The ideal state; 13-17, Its educational system
BOOK VIII Education in the ideal state
The Constitution of Athens 209(56)
Glossary to The Constitution of Athens 265(4)
Index of names 269(5)
General index 274

Supplemental Materials

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