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Baby Aretha A Book about Girl Power

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Board Book
  • Copyright: 2022-01-04
  • Publisher: Running Press Kids
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Introduce your littlest rocker to early concepts through the empowering words and look of Aretha Franklin in this fun and entertaining book that is perfect for the next generation of music lovers.

Every Girl Deserves Respect! Strength. Love. Hope. Smarts. Celebrate the iconic Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, with little ones in this colorful, playful, and inspiring new board book in the Baby Rocker series. The theme of girl empowerment runs throughout this delightful and aspirational board book for rock and soul fans big and small. 

Author Biography

Running Press Kids is the children's imprint of Running Press, a book publisher based in Philadelphia, PA.

Pintachan has been an illustrator for more than a decade, working with a variety of clients all over the world. He loves doo-wop, psych-pop, 70s disco, 50s rock 'n roll, and Motown. He lives in Gijon, Spain, with his family.

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