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Baccano!, Vol. 18 (light novel) 1935-A Deep Marble

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-02-08
  • Publisher: Yen On
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THE YEAR 1935. Huey Laforet has broken out of prison, and New York is in chaos. The whirlwind of confusion swallows all the major players in the city, from the FBI unit investigating the immortals, to the mafia, to the Camorra, to Ladd Russo and his gang, and even the Flying Pussyfoot. All roads lead to a dramatic confrontation at a lone casino, but just who is pulling the strings? The last ruckus of the 1930s begins…

Author Biography

Ryohgo Narita is the author of a number of successful novel series, including the original "Durarara!!" books. His earlier series, "Baccano!" was honored with the Gold Prize at the 9th Dengeki Novel Awards.

Katsumi Enami is the illustrator for the light novel series Baccano!

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