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Basic Mathematics for Economics, Business and Finance

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Nonspecific Binding
  • Copyright: 2012-01-10
  • Publisher: Routledge

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Basic Mathematics for Economics, Business and Finance [ISBN: 9780415664202] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Ummer; E. K.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The book can help overcome the widely observed math-phobia and math-aversion among undergraduate students in these subjects. The book can also help them understand why they have to learn different mathematical techniques, how they can be applied, and how they will equip them in their further studies.#xE3;#xAC;#xAC; The book provides a thorough but lucid exposition of most of the mathematical techniques applied in the fields of economics, business and finance. The book deals with topics right from high school mathematics to relatively advanced areas of differential and difference equations covering in the middle the topics of linear algebra; differential and integral calculus; classical optimization; linear and nonlinear programming; and game theory. #xE3;#xAC;#xAC; Though the book directly caters to the needs of undergraduate students in economics, business and finance, graduate students in these subjects will also definitely find the book an invaluable tool as supplementary reading. The dedicated website of the book provides an introduction to and applications of Mathematica#xC2;#xAE;,one of the world#xE2;#xAC;"s leading computational softwares.

Author Biography

E.K. Ummer graduated with a Ph.D. degree from the University of London. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of E.M.E.A. College of Arts and Science. Prior to joining E.M.E.A. College, he was with the faculty of Economics and Management Studies at International Islamic University, Malaysia. His current research interests are quantitative methods, economic theory, and economics of development and growth.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. viii
Acknowledgmentsp. xi
Review of basicsp. 1
Linear algebra: vectors and matricesp. 69
Differential calculusp. 128
Classical optimizationp. 193
Linear programmingp. 244
Nonlinear programmingp. 316
Game theoryp. 353
Integral calculusp. 420
Notesp. 468
Bibliographyp. 470
Indexp. 472
Greek alphabetp. 484
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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