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Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third Edition

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-06-30
  • Publisher: Chapman & Hall/

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The third edition of Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis has been updated to provide a more accessible introduction to the foundations of Bayesian analysis along with a stronger focus on applications, including case studies in biostatistics, epidemiology, and genetics. This edition features a new chapter on Bayesian design that presents Bayesian clinical trials and special topics such as missing data and causality. With an emphasis on computation, there is also expanded coverage of WinBUGS, R, and BRugs. The book contains additional exercises and solutions for undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers in statistics and biostatistics.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Third Editionp. xiii
Approaches for statistical inferencep. 1
Introductionp. 1
Motivating vignettesp. 2
Personal probabilityp. 2
Missing datap. 2
Bioassayp. 3
Attenuation adjustmentp. 4
Defining the approachesp. 4
The Bayes-frequentist controversyp. 6
Some basic Bayesian modelsp. 10
A Gaussian/Gaussian (normal/normal) modelp. 11
A beta/binomial modelp. 11
Exercisesp. 13
The Bayes approachp. 15
Introductionp. 15
Prior distributionsp. 27
Elicited priorsp. 28
Conjugate priorsp. 32
Noninformative priorsp. 36
Other prior construction methodsp. 40
Bayesian inferencep. 41
Point estimationp. 41
Interval estimationp. 48
Hypothesis testing and Bayes factorsp. 50
Hierarchical modelingp. 59
Normal linear modelsp. 59
Effective model size and the DIC criterionp. 70
Model assessmentp. 79
Diagnostic measuresp. 79
Model averagingp. 89
Nonparametric methodsp. 93
Exercisesp. 98
Bayesian computationp. 105
Introductionp. 105
Asymptotic methodsp. 108
Normal approximationp. 108
Laplace's methodp. 110
Noniterative Monte Carlo methodsp. 112
Direct samplingp. 112
Indirect methodsp. 115
Markov chain Monte Carlo methodsp. 120
Gibbs samplerp. 121
Metropolis-Hastings algorithmp. 130
Slice samplerp. 139
Hybrid forms, adaptive MCMC, and other algorithmsp. 140
Variance estimationp. 150
Convergence monitoring and diagnosisp. 152
Exercisesp. 159
Model criticism and selectionp. 167
Bayesian modelingp. 168
Linear modelsp. 168
Nonlinear modelsp. 174
Binary data modelsp. 176
Bayesian robustnessp. 181
Sensitivity analysisp. 181
Prior partitioningp. 188
Model assessmentp. 194
Bayes factors via marginal density estimationp. 196
Direct methodsp. 197
Using Gibbs sampler outputp. 198
Using Metropolis-Hastings outputp. 200
Bayes factors via sampling over the model spacep. 201
Product space searchp. 203
"Metropolized" product space searchp. 205
Reversible jump MCMCp. 206
Using partial analytic structurep. 208
Other model selection methodsp. 210
Penalized likelihood criteria: AIC, BIC, and DICp. 210
Predictive model selectionp. 215
Exercisesp. 217
The empirical Bayes approachp. 225
Introductionp. 225
Parametric EB (PEB) point estimationp. 226
Gaussian/Gaussian modelsp. 227
Computation via the EM algorithmp. 228
EB performance of the PEBp. 234
Stein estimationp. 236
Nonparametric EB (NPEB) point estimationp. 240
Compound sampling modelsp. 240
Simple NPEB (Robbins' method)p. 240
Interval estimationp. 244
Morris' approachp. 245
Marginal posterior approachp. 246
Bias correction approachp. 248
Bayesian processing and performancep. 251
Univariate stretching with a two-point priorp. 251
Multivariate Gaussian modelp. 252
Frequentist performancep. 253
Gaussian/Gaussian modelp. 254
Beta/binomial modelp. 255
Empirical Bayes performancep. 258
Point estimationp. 259
Interval estimationp. 262
Exercisesp. 265
Bayesian designp. 269
Principles of designp. 269
Bayesian design for frequentist analysisp. 269
Bayesian design for Bayesian analysisp. 271
Bayesian clinical trial designp. 274
Classical versus Bayesian trial designp. 275
Bayesian assurancep. 277
Bayesian indifference zone methodsp. 279
Other Bayesian approachesp. 282
Extensionsp. 286
Applications in drug and medical device trialsp. 287
Binary endpoint drug trialp. 287
Cox regression device trial with interim analysisp. 297
Exercisesp. 308
Special methods and modelsp. 311
Estimating histograms and ranksp. 311
Bayesian rankingp. 311
Histogram and triple goal estimatesp. 324
Robust prior distributionsp. 328
Order restricted inferencep. 333
Longitudinal data modelsp. 334
Continuous and categorical time seriesp. 341
Survival analysis and frailty modelsp. 343
Statistical modelsp. 343
Treatment effect prior determinationp. 344
Computation and advanced modelsp. 345
Sequential analysisp. 346
Model and loss structurep. 347
Backward inductionp. 348
Forward samplingp. 349
Spatial and spatio-temporal modelsp. 352
Point source data modelsp. 353
Regional summary data modelsp. 356
Exercisesp. 361
Case studiesp. 373
Analysis of longitudinal AIDS datap. 374
Introduction and backgroundp. 374
Modeling of longitudinal CD4 countsp. 375
CD4 response to treatment at two monthsp. 384
Survival analysisp. 385
Discussionp. 386
Robust analysis of clinical trialsp. 387
Clinical backgroundp. 387
Interim monitoringp. 388
Prior robustness and prior scopingp. 393
Sequential decision analysisp. 398
Discussionp. 401
Modeling of infectious diseasesp. 402
Introduction and datap. 402
Stochastic compartmental modelp. 403
Parameter estimation and model buildingp. 406
Resultsp. 409
Discussionp. 414
Appendicesp. 417
Distributional catalogp. 419
Discretep. 420
Univariatep. 420
Multivariatep. 421
Continuousp. 421
Univariatep. 421
Multivariatep. 425
Decision theoryp. 429
Introductionp. 429
Risk and admissibilityp. 430
Unbiased rulesp. 431
Bayes rulesp. 433
Minimax rulesp. 434
Procedure evaluation and other unifying conceptsp. 435
Mean squared error (MSE)p. 435
The variance-bias tradeoffp. 435
Other loss functionsp. 436
Generalized absolute lossp. 437
Testing with a distance penaltyp. 437
A threshold loss functionp. 437
Multiplicityp. 438
Multiple testingp. 439
Additive lossp. 439
Non-additive lossp. 440
Exercisesp. 441
Answers to selected exercisesp. 445
Referencesp. 487
Author indexp. 521
Subject indexp. 529
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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