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Bellini, Giorgione, Titian : And the Renaissance of Venetian Painting

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Trade Book
  • Copyright: 2006-07-28
  • Publisher: Yale University Press
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List Price: $70.00


The first three decades of the sixteenth century represent, visually and intellectually, the most exciting phase of the Renaissance in Venicewhen Giorgione and the young Titian, together with Sebastiano del Piombo, Palma Vecchio, and others, were working alongside the older master Giovanni Bellini. This beautiful book presents an innovative survey of sixty Venetian Renaissance paintings of the caliber of Bellini and Titian'sFeast of the Godsin Washington and Giorgione'sLauraandThree Philosophersin Vienna. Unlike previous surveys of the period, this book refrains from dividing up the artists represented and instead explores the interrelationships between them. Through a series of thematic sections, the authors trace the rise of secular subjectspastoral landscapes, female nudes, and romantic portraitsand the transformation of religious ones as well as innovations in style and technique. Cutting across genres, the book also focuses on the overarching themes of music, love, and time. Featuring essays by leading scholars, detailed entries on some of the most renowned pictures of sixteenth-century Italy, and revealing technical information,Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Paintingis an essential volume to own.

Author Biography

Authors include David Alan Brown, curator of Italian painting at the National
Gallery of Art; Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, curator of Italian Renaissance painting at the Kunsthistorisches Museum; Jaynie Anderson, head of the School of Fine Arts, University of Melbourne; Deborah Howard, head of the Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge; Peter Humfrey, professor at the School of Art History, University of St. Andrews; and Mauro Lucco, professor at the Università degli Studi di Bologna.

Table of Contents

Venice : society and culture, 1500-1530p. 1
Chronologyp. 11
Venetian painting and the invention of artp. 15
Masters and pupils, colleagues and rivalsp. 39
Sacred imagesp. 55
Sacred storiesp. 99
Allegories and mythologiesp. 147
Pictures of women - pictures of lovep. 189
Portraits of menp. 237
Technical studies
Technical studies of painting methodsp. 285
Ventian "colore" : artists at the intersection of technology and historyp. 301
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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