Introduction | p. 11 |
The Bible Code | p. 13 |
Atomic Holocaust | p. 53 |
All His People to War | p. 69 |
The Sealed Book | p. 85 |
The Recent Past | p. 105 |
Armageddon | p. 121 |
Apocalypse | p. 137 |
The Final Days | p. 157 |
Coda | p. 181 |
Notes | p. 183 |
Chapter Notes | p. 185 |
Notes on Illustrations | p. 217 |
Appendix | p. 233 |
Acknowledgements | p. 247 |
Index | p. 249 |
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved. |
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September 1, 1994, 1 flew to Israel and met in Jerusalem with a close friend of
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the poet Chaim Guri. I gave him a letter which he
immediately gave to the Prime Minister.
"An Israeli mathematician has discovered a hidden code in the Bible that
appears to reveal the details of events that took place thousands of years after
the Bible was written," my letter to Rabin stated.
"The reason I'm telling you about this is that the only time your full name
-- Yitzhak Rabin -- is encoded in the Bible, the words 'assassin that will
assassinate' cross your name.
"That should not be ignored, because the assassinations of Anwar Sadat and
both John and Robert Kennedy are also encoded in the Bible -- in the case of Sadat
with the first and last names of his killer, and the date of the murder, and the
place, and how it was done.
"I think you are in real danger, but that the danger can be averted."
On November 4, 1995 came the awful confirmation, a shot in the back from a
man who believed he was on a mission from God, the murder that was encoded in the
Bible three thousand years ago.
The assassination of Rabin is dramatic confirmation of the reality of the
Bible code, the hidden text in the Old Testament that reveals the future.
The code was discovered by Dr. Eliyahu Rips, one of the world's leading
experts in group theory, a field of mathematics that underlies quantum physics.
It has been confirmed by famous mathematicians at Harvard, Yale, and Hebrew
University. It has been replicated by a senior code-breaker at the U.S.
Department of Defense. It has passed three levels of secular peer review at a
leading U.S. math journal.
Rabin's assassination was not the only modern event found. In addition to the
Sadat and Kennedy assassinations, hundreds of other world-shaking events are also
encoded in the Bible-everything from World War II to Watergate, from the
Holocaust to Hiroshima, from the Moon landing to the collision of a comet with
And the Rabin assassination was not the only event found in advance. The
Jupiter collision was found, with the exact date of impact, before it happened,
and the dates of the Gulf War were found in the Bible before the war started.
It doesn't make ordinary sense in our secular world, and since I am not
religious, I would normally be among the first to dismiss it as millennium
But I have known about this for five years. I have spent many weeks with the
Israeli mathematician, Dr. Rips. I learned Hebrew, and checked the code on my own
computer every day. I talked to the man at the Defense Department, who
independently confirmed that the Bible code does exist. And I went to Harvard and
Yale and Hebrew University to meet with three of the world's most famous
mathematicians. They all confirmed that there is a code in the Bible that reveals
the future.
I did not fully believe it until Rabin was killed.
I found the Bible code's prediction of his assassination myself, a clear
warning that he would be killed in the Hebrew year that began in late 1995, but
never really believed it would happen. When he was killed, as predicted, when
predicted, my first thought was, "Oh my God, its real."
SIZE="-1">Copyright ©1997 by Michael Drosnin
Excerpted from The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin
All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.