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Big Idea : Criticality and Practice in Contemporary Architecture

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-06-29
  • Publisher: Chronicle Books Llc
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List Price: $35.00


"The Big Idea uses an autobiographical approach to explore issues of how large theoretical ideas influence day-to-day architectural practice. Architect Scott Johnson has, over the last few decades, been privileged to work and study in rarified environments in Berkeley, Boston, New York and Los Angeles when big ideas of architectural theory were emerging. This is an account of how one architect has made sense of his time and place. His professional experiences with some of the most important names in the world of architecture are both informative and entertaining in this very personal journey through the overarching themes on contemporary architecture and the discovery of professional practices."--BOOK JACKET.

Table of Contents

Scott Johnson and the Commerce of Ideasp. 7
Introductionp. 13
The Salinas Valley - 1956p. 16
San Francisco - 1968p. 24
Cambridge - 1975p. 44
New York City - 1982p. 60
Los Angeles - 1992p. 92
Wherever - 2006p. 122
Acknowledgementsp. 190
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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