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Bioethics : An Anthology

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-03-20
  • Publisher: Wiley

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The expanded and revised edition of Bioethics: An Anthology is a definitive one-volume collection of key primary texts for the study of bioethics. Brings together writings on a broad range of ethical issues relating such matters as reproduction, genetics, life and death, and animal experimentation. Now includes introductions to each of the sections. Features new coverage of the latest debates on hot topics such as genetic screening, the use of embryonic human stem cells, and resource allocation between patients. The selections are independent of any particular approach to bioethics. Can be used as a source book to complement A Companion to Bioethics (1999).

Author Biography

Helga Kuhse, former Director of the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University, Melbourne, is now Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre. She is author and co-author of several books including Caring: Nurses, Women and Ethics (Blackwell 1996), Willing to Listen – Wanting to Die (1995), Individuals, Humans and Persons: Questions of Life and Death (with Peter Singer, 1994). She is the co-founder of the Blackwell journal Bioethics and is co-editor of the accompanying volume A Companion to Bioethics (Blackwell 1999).

Peter Singer is Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University. He is the author of Animal Liberation, first published in 1975, and is widely credited with triggering the modern animal rights movement. His Practical Ethics is one of the most widely used texts in applied ethics, and Rethinking Life and Death received the 1995 Australian National Book Council’s Banjo Award for nonfiction. He was the foundation president of the International Association of Bioethics.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. xii
Introductionp. 1
Before Birthp. 9
Introductionp. 11
Abortionp. 15
Abortion and Health Care Ethicsp. 17
Abortion and Infanticidep. 25
A Defense of Abortionp. 40
Why Abortion is Immoralp. 51
Mother-Fetus Conflictp. 63
Are Pregnant Women Fetal Containers?p. 65
Issues in Reproductionp. 77
Introductionp. 79
Assisted Reproductionp. 85
The McCaughey Septuplets: God's Will or Human Choice?p. 87
Surrogate Mothering: Exploitation or Empowerment?p. 90
A Response to Purdyp. 100
The Right to Lesbian Parenthoodp. 104
Rights, Interests, and Possible Peoplep. 108
Prenatal Screening, Sex Selection, and Cloningp. 113
Genetics and Reproductive Risk: Can Having Children be Immoral?p. 115
Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion: A Challenge to Practice and Policyp. 122
Genetic Technology: A Threat to Deafnessp. 137
Sex Selection: The Case Forp. 145
Conception to Obtain Hematopoietic Stem Cellsp. 150
Why We Should Not Permit Embryos to be Selected as Tissue Donorsp. 158
The Moral Status of the Cloning of Humansp. 162
The New Geneticsp. 179
Introductionp. 181
Gene Therapy and Eugenicsp. 185
Questions About Some Uses of Genetic Engineeringp. 187
Ethical Issues in Manipulating the Human Germ Linep. 198
The Moral Significance of the Therapy-Enhancement Distinction in Human Geneticsp. 209
Should We Undertake Genetic Research on Intelligence?p. 219
Genetic Screening and Counselingp. 229
Lessons from a Dark and Distant Pastp. 231
Patient Autonomy and Value-Neutrality in Nondirective Genetic Counselingp. 237
Genetic Dilemmas and the Child's Right to an Open Futurep. 246
Life and Death Issuesp. 257
Introductionp. 259
The Sanctity of Lifep. 266
Declaration on Euthanasiap. 276
Killing and Letting Diep. 281
The Morality of Killing: A Traditional Viewp. 283
Active and Passive Euthanasiap. 288
Is Killing No Worse Than Letting Die?p. 292
Why Killing is Not Always Worse - and Sometimes Better - Than Letting Diep. 297
Severely Disabled Newbornsp. 301
When Care Cannot Cure: Medical Problems in Seriously Ill Babiesp. 303
A Modern Myth: That Letting Die is Not the Intentional Causation of Deathp. 315
The Abnormal Child: Moral Dilemmas of Doctors and Parentsp. 329
Right to Life of Handicappedp. 334
Brain Deathp. 337
A Definition of Irreversible Comap. 339
Is the Sanctity of Life Ethic Terminally Ill?p. 344
Advance Directivesp. 355
Life Past Reasonp. 357
Dworkin on Dementia: Elegant Theory, Questionable Policyp. 365
Voluntary Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicidep. 375
The Notep. 377
When Self-Determination Runs Amokp. 381
When Abstract Moralizing Runs Amokp. 386
Listening and Helping to Die: The Dutch Wayp. 391
Resource Allocationp. 399
Introductionp. 401
Micro-Allocation: Deciding Between Patientsp. 405
Rescuing Lives: Can't We Count?p. 407
The Allocation of Exotic Medical Lifesaving Therapyp. 410
Should Alcoholics Compete Equally for Liver Transplantation?p. 421
The Value of Lifep. 428
How Age Should Matter: Justice as the Basis for Limiting Care to the Elderlyp. 437
Macro-Allocation: Dividing Up the Healthcare Budgetp. 449
Quality of Life and Resource Allocationp. 451
A Lifespan Approach to Health Carep. 465
Organ Donationp. 475
Introductionp. 477
Why Give to Strangers?p. 479
Organ Donation and Retrieval: Whose Body is it Anyway?p. 483
The Case for Allowing Kidney Salesp. 487
The Survival Lotteryp. 491
Experimentation with Human Subjectsp. 497
Introductionp. 499
Human Subjectsp. 503
Ethics and Clinical Researchp. 505
Equipoise and the Ethics of Clinical Researchp. 513
The Patient and the Public Goodp. 520
The Morality of Clinical Research: A Case Studyp. 525
Unethical Trials of Interventions to Reduce Perinatal Transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Developing Countriesp. 533
We're Trying to Help Our Sickest People, Not Exploit Themp. 539
Human Embryos - Stem Cellsp. 541
Question of Respect for Life: What Some [Australian] Members of Parliament Have Said About Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Parliament This Weekp. 543
Stem Cells, Sex, and Procreationp. 545
Experimentation with Animalsp. 559
Introductionp. 561
Duties Towards Animalsp. 564
A Utilitarian Viewp. 566
All Animals are Equalp. 568
Vivisection, Morals and Medicine: An Exchangep. 578
Ethical Issues in the Practice of Healthcarep. 589
Introductionp. 591
Confidentialityp. 595
Confidentiality in Medicine: A Decrepit Conceptp. 597
Truth-Tellingp. 601
On a Supposed Right to Lie from Altruistic Motivesp. 603
Should Doctors Tell the Truth?p. 605
On Telling Patients the Truthp. 611
Informed Consent and Patient Autonomyp. 619
On Libertyp. 621
From Schloendorff v. New York Hospitalp. 624
Amputees by Choicep. 625
Abandoning Informed Consentp. 636
Rational Desires and the Limitation of Life-Sustaining Treatmentp. 646
The Doctor-Patient Relationship in Different Culturesp. 664
Special Issues Facing Nursesp. 677
Introductionp. 679
Ethical Dilemmas for Nurses: Physicians' Orders Versus Patients' Rightsp. 682
In Defense of the Traditional Nursep. 690
Ethicists and Ethics Committeesp. 699
Introductionp. 701
When Philosophers Shoot from the Hipp. 703
Ethics Consultation as Moral Engagementp. 707
Truth or Consequences: The Role of Philosophers in Policy-Makingp. 715
Should the Decisions of Ethics Committees be Based on Community Values?p. 719
Indexp. 725
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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