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Bird Brains Inside the Strange Minds of Our Fine Feathered Friends

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2013-09-03
  • Publisher: Lyons Press
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Through a hundred short vignettes accompanied by stunning avian portraits, Bird Brains takes a look at the antics, behaviors, and idiosyncrasies of wild birds from the viewpoint of a professional wildlife biologist and award-winning wildlife photographer. Titlow understands the often wild and wacky lives of birders--those who are always ready and willing to drop everything at a moment’s notice and "twitch off" to some exotic locations just to add another checkmark to their life lists. His engaging stories, complemented by vivid images, provide a fascinating compendium of wild bird lore perfectly suited to the 65-million-plus birders across the United States. 

Author Biography

Budd Titlow, a professional Wildlife Biologist and Certified Wetlands Scientist, is an international award-winning nature photographer, writer, and national workshop and field trip leader. Over his career he has conducted more than 100 surveys of wild bird habitats and breeding bird populations throughout the United States. A member of the Board of Directors, North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), he lives in Tallahassee, Florida.  

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