From Hans Christian Andersen, Dr Seuss and Lewis Carroll to Disney and the Harry Potter series, this is a comprehensive introduction to studying the infinitely varied worlds of literature for children and young adults.
Exploring a diverse range of writing, The Bloomsbury Introduction to Children's and Young Adult Literature includes:
- Chapters covering key genres from fiction, nonfiction, and poetry to picture books, graphic novels and fairy tales
- A history of changing ideas of childhood and adolescence
- Coverage of psychological, educational and literary theoretical approaches
- Practical guidance on researching, reading and writing about children's and young adult literature
- Explorations of children's and young adult film, TV and new media
In addition, “Extending Your Study” sections at the end of each chapter provide advice on further reading, writing, discussion and online resources as well as case study responses from writers and teachers in the field. Accessibly written for both students new to the subject and experienced teachers, this is the most comprehensive single volume introduction to the study of writing for young people.