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Body Belly Soul The Black Mother's Guide to a Primal, Peaceful, and Powerful Birth

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-12-07
  • Publisher: The Unapologetic Voice House LLC
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List Price: $17.07 Save up to $0.02
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This book is not only a personal journey of pregnancy and birth, it explains situations many new mothers find themselves in. 
Perhaps you’re an expecting mother that does not feel completely comfortable with your healthcare provider and you need direction on next steps. Maybe the idea of induction has been presented and you’re in need of holistic ways to jump-start labor. Or you’ve just given birth and find yourself experiencing breastfeeding woes, like clogged ducts and isolation due to generational disconnects. 
This book explores common scenarios that Black Mothers are finding themselves in every 40 weeks and so much more you wish your mom, auntie, or sister shared with you.
This book is a guide for any Black mother refusing to give away her power in birthing spaces. The Black Mother who knows without a doubt her choices matter, her mindset matters, and who she surrounds herself with matters. This is for the Black mother ready to take accountability for her birth experience through thoughtful preparation despite the status quo.
Birth does not happen to us. WE Birth babies!
  • Checklists for each part of the preparation - Body, Belly and Soul
  • A list of nourishing and replenishing food for you and your baby - Prenatal and Postnatal
  • Holistic ways to train your body for D- Day
  • Interventions explained - The reason and the consequences
  • Affirmations and empowerment from our ancestors
  • How to hold providers accountable
  • Discovery of non-medical comfort measures
  • Ways to ramp up Milk production

Author Biography

Nicole Bailey graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a bachelor’s degree in Public Health and a minor in Nutrition and went on to attend Drexel School of Medicine where she obtained a Master’s in Clinical Trial Organization and Management. Nicole has worked in the Clinical Trial industry for over 10 years and has always had a passion for health, research, and history. After experiencing firsthand how the dismissive treatment of expecting Black Mothers can lead to disconnected experiences, she felt compelled to share her birth preparation process with mothers to assure them that having a positive birth experience is not possible, but one that must be standard and expected from all women, especially Black women. Within months of becoming a new mother, Nicole began helping other Black women in her community to prepare for birth using the steps she took to ensure minimal interventions while embracing holistic practices. She has honed in on her birth knowledge by completing training as a doula, studying Global Quality Maternal and Newborn Care at Yale University and Breastfeeding Support at Stanford University, as well as using hands-on experience with mothers in her community. After writing this book, she created an extended online platform called Body Belly Soul, with the intent of guiding Black mothers towards primal, powerful, and peaceful birth experiences. Her mission is to strive for more connected birth experiences among Black mothers. She resides in Washington, D.C. with her husband and daughter. She and her husband have dedicated their lives to closing the health and wealth gap in the Black community.

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