The History of Bread Making | |
A Brief History of Bread Making | |
BreadÆs Impact on Basic Survival | |
A Cornerstone of Civilization | |
How Bread Began | |
Bread: An Accidental Creation | |
Mechanized Bread Making | |
Electric Mixers Finally Appear: The Short Mix Method | |
Direct Mixing Method | |
World War II and Its Aftermath | |
The Intensive Mix Method | |
Rescue Arrives - The Improved Mix Method | |
Renewed Interest in Great Bread | |
Ingredients and Their Effects | |
Ingredients for Baking Bread | |
The Most Important Ingredient - Flour | |
Wheat Dough Can Inflate | |
The Wheat Berry | |
Wheat Classification | |
Other Grains | |
Water | |
Salt | |
Yeast | |
Sweeteners | |
Fats and Oils | |
Milk Products | |
Eggs | |
Nuts, Seeds, Grains, and Dried Fruits | |
Using Whole Grains | |
Herbs and Spices | |
Basic BakerÆs Percentage (BakerÆs Math) | |
An International Language for Bakers | |
ItÆs All in the Percentages | |
Changing Batch Sizes | |
Find the Total Flour Weight: Using the Percentage Sum | |
Discrepancies in Batch Size | |
When You Have Two or More Flours | |
Mixing Methods | |
The First 10,000 Years: Hand Mixing | |
Two Stages in the Dough Mixing Process | |
Dough Transformation During Mixing | |
Precursors to Mechanized Mixing | |
Mechanization Arrives: The Short Mix Method | |
Intensive Mix Method | |
The Improved Mix Method | |
Is There a Best Mixing Method? | |
Special Circumstances or Exceptions | |
Fermentation | |
Fermentation: A Process of Transformation | |
Does Fermentation Create or Destroy? | |
Fermentation of Bread Dough | |
Yeast Fermentation: Produces Carbon Dioxide and Alcohol | |
Bacterial Fermentation: Produces Organic Acids | |
Non-living Organic Substances: Esters and Enzymes | |
Manipulating Fermentation: Time, Temperature, and Hydration | |
Pre-ferments: How to Shorten Fermentation Time While Increasing Strength and Flavor | |
Natural Pre-ferments | |
Division and Shaping of Loaves and Rolls | |
Giving Form to Dough | |
The First Step - Division | |
Shaping Loaves and Rolls | |
Proofing & Retarding | |
Proofing Defined | |
Judging the Readiness of Proofed Loaves | |
Proofing Versus Bulk Fermentation | |
Collapse of Over-proofed Dough | |
Gas Production in Successful Proofing | |
Changing the Temperature of Dough | |
Yeast Quantity in Dough | |
The Degradation of Dough Structure | |
Retarding Loaves of Bread | |
Dough Degradation in Retarding | |
Specialized Equipment for Proofing and Retarding Loaves of Bread | |
Baking | |
Baking Transforms Raw Dough | |
Recognizing When Loaves are Ready to be Baked | |
Scoring Loaves | |
Baking Temperature | |
Using Steam | |
How to Judge the Doneness of Bread | |
The Importance of Cooling Bread after Baking | |
Rich and Laminated Doughs | |
The Effects Ingredients Have on Dough | |
Strategies for Turning Lean Dough Into Rich Dough | |
Why Not Just Add the Fat to the Dough? | |
Lamination Defined | |
The Lamination Process | |
Differences Between Croissant Dough and Danish Dough | |
Some Caveats in Working with Laminated Dough Products | |
Shaping Croissants and Danish | |
Creating Dough Formulas | |
Formulation: How Can We Design Our Own Reliable Bread Dough? | |
Choose Your Ingredients | |
Create a Formula - Not Just a Recipe | |
Advanced Topic #1 Flour Composition and Milling Technology | |
Elements of the Wheat Endosperm | |
The Milling Process | |
Advanced Topic # 2 Advanced BakerÆs Percentage | |
Using Pre-Ferments in Formula Creation | |
Which Pre-Ferment Should you Use? | |
Advanced Topic #3 Controlling Fermentation: Living and Non-living Players | |
Controlling Yeast Activity | |
Controlling Bacterial Activity | |
Enzymes: Amylase and Protease | |
Advanced Topic #4 Decorative Dough Pieces | |
Types of Decorative Dough | |
Appendix: Formulas | |
Glossary | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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