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Building Theory in Political Communication The Politics-Media-Politics Approach

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-10-14
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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In Building Theory in Political Communication, Gadi Wolfsfeld, Tamir Sheafer, and Scott Althaus present the first generalizable conceptual framework for political communication that is also falsifiable, explaining how media performance contributes to successful political performance across nations, regime types, and information systems. The book identifies three tensions in the current literature that have thus far prevented a general theory of political communication. The first is a vague understanding of what it means for media to exercise independence from politics. The second is a focus on media in wealthy, Western, and democratic countries. The third is a tendency to build interpretive frameworks that pose as theories, but that cannot be tested. To address these three tensions, this book adapts, refines, and extends the Politics-Media-Politics (PMP) principle, which states that variations in political ecosystems have a major impact on media systems, values, practices, and resources, which can then have dependent, independent, and conditional effects on political processes. With an emphasis on international comparative studies encompassing diverse political systems, the authors move beyond the field's Western focus to show that PMP is useful in a wide range of contexts and subfields. A sophisticated and timely intervention in the field of political communication, this volume presents the PMP principle to help political communication researchers adopt a broader perspective when attempting to ascertain the roles that communication plays in political processes.

Author Biography

Gadi Wolfsfeld is Professor of Communication and Head of the Communication and New Media MA program at Reichman University's Sammy Ofer School of Communication.

Tamir Sheafer is Professor of Political Science, Professor of Communication and Journalism, and the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Scott Althaus is Merriam Professor of Political Science, Professor of Communication, and Director of the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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