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Bunny Valentine

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-09-10
  • Publisher: Bookbaby
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Finding love in a jaded world is tricky and more wearisome when love found ends in tragedy. BUNNY VALENTINE explores this journey, through the eyes of Brooklyn, a young, talented architect.BUNNY VALENTINE is a novel that takes place over a ten-year period in the scorching temperatures of the Arizona desert. Brooklyn, a career focused woman in her mid-twenties, is mugged at gunpoint, nearly dying in the process. A year later at the exact location, she witnesses another woman—Arianna—being mugged and steps in to save Arianna's life. Grateful beyond measure, Arianna embraces Brooklyn as family and introduces her to Caesar, Arianna's older brother. Brooklyn and Caesar fall in love. However, happily ever after is interrupted by tragedy; Caesar dies unexpectedly. Years pass and Brooklyn finds love again… only to discover it's with the man responsible for Caesar's death. Can she find it within herself to forgive, or will she lose love a second time?The ride of love is full of twisted roads and dead-end signs. But sometimes fulfillment is only completed when we muster the courage to embrace it, even when it comes in the strangest way.

Author Biography

L. Drachelle has been writing since the age of eight. She started writing poetry, which then evolved into writing unpublished short stories, shared only with close friends. Bunny Valentine is her first novel. She resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

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