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Business Associations A Systems Approach [Connected eBook with Study Center]

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2020-09-17
  • Publisher: Aspen Publishing

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Business Associations A Systems Approach [Connected eBook with Study Center] [ISBN: 9781454898948] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by LoPucki, Lynn M.; Verstein, Andrew. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


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Business Associations: A Systems Approach is the first Business Associations casebook organized by function (decision-making, finance, investor litigation, investment transfer, etc.) instead of by entity type (partnerships, corporations, LLCs, etc.). Functional organization avoids repetition and makes full coverage of corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and limited partnerships possible in a four-, or even three-, credit course. The systems approach is the basis for several successful casebooks in other fields, most notably LoPucki, Warren and Lawless’s Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach. The approach focuses on the actions of the lawyers, businesspeople, and government administrators who apply law rather than merely on abstract law. Business Associations: A Systems Approach provides hundreds of realistic, fact-rich problems in legal practice settings. Students apply their new knowledge of law and how the systems work to advise hypothetical clients. The cases are recent, heavily edited, and rarely longer than five pages.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Full coverage of agency, corporations, partnerships, LLCs, limited partnerships and the role of legal entities in society
  • Tables, figures, photos, and one cartoon
  • Fundamental documents for Facebook and a hypothetical LLC (BKG Catalina) and operating agreement, which are also integrated into the text and problems
  • Cleanly edited, easy-to-read cases
  • Recent cases that illustrate modern business practices and reflect current law
  • Organization by function, which reduces the repetition required in organization by entity type
  • Modular organization, allowing the chapters to be taught in any order
  • An approach that any kind of entity could be made to work like any other. Other books teach what kinds of entities to use in what situations.
  • Fact-rich, realistic problems in practice settings
  • An introductory assignment that provides an overview of the course
  • Clear and direct examples and explanations, free of jargon and idioms that cause difficulty for students from other cultures. Great for LL.M.s, MJSs and foreign J.D.s!
  • A detailed glossary

Supplemental Materials

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