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Campaigns and Elections: Issues, Concepts, Cases

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Nonspecific Binding
  • Copyright: 2003-02-28
  • Publisher: Lynne Rienner
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List Price: $23.99


Examines elections at the federal, state, and local levels, covering such topics as the use of policical consultants, polling, campaign finance reform, and partisan politics.

Table of Contents

Preface xi
Introduction 1(16)
Part 1: Current Issues in Campaigns
Inside the War Room: Political Consultants in Modern Campaigns
David A. Dulio
Campaign Pollsters and Polling: Manipulating the Voter or Taking the Electorate's Pulse?
Stephen K. Medvic
The Technological Evolution of Campaigns: A Look at New and Emerging Practices
Joshua M. Whitman
Joseph W. Perkins Jr.
Case: Incumbency and Issue Advocacy in Pennsylvania's Thirteenth District
Robin Kolodny
Sandra L. Suarez
Case: Violating the ``Appearance Standard'': A Local Campaign Controversy
Edward M. Yager Jr.
Part 2: Current Issues in Elections
Partisan Politics in a Nonpartisan Society
Nicol C. Rae
Reforming the Reforms: Campaign Finance and Congress
Victoria A. Farrar-Myers
Democratic Survival in the Republican South
Mathew Corrigan
Case: The Contested Vote for Mississippi Governor
Donna Simmons
Case: Two Views of the Florida Controversy
What Happened in Florida on November 7, 2000?
Jane Carroll
Election 2000---A League of Women Voters' Perspective
Joan Karp
Part 3: Candidates and Voters
Women's Underrepresentation in Elective Office
Gary G. Aguiar
Minority Voters and Candidates: Tracking Trends
David L. Leal
Covering Candidates and Informing Voters: Newspaper Coverage of a Gubernatorial Election
Stephen J. Stambough
Valerie R. O'Regan
Case: The Maverick Campaign and Election of Jesse Ventura
Steven C. Wagner
Stephen I. Frank
Case: Showdown in the Empire State---Clinton Versus Lazio
Jeffrey Kraus
Part 4: Conclusion
The Congressional Elections of 2000: Tradition Meets Competition in the New Age
Robert Dewhirst
Ronald Keith Gaddie
The Significance of the 2000 Presidential Election: Institutional Impact and Possible Reforms
Anthony J. Eksterowicz
Notes 267(18)
Bibliography 285(24)
The Contributors 309(4)
Index 313(6)
About the Book 319

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