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Caroline's Comets A True Story

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2017-02-28
  • Publisher: Holiday House

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With courage and confidence, Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) becomes the first woman professional scientist and one of the greatest astronomers who ever lived.

Born the youngest daughter of a poor family in Hanover, Germany, Caroline was scarred from smallpox, stunted from typhus, and used by her parents as a scullery maid. But when her favorite brother, William, left for England, he took her with him. The siblings shared a passion for stars, and together they built the greatest telescope of their age, working tirelessly on star charts.

Using their telescope, Caroline discovered fourteen nebulae and two galaxies, was the first woman to discover a comet, and became the first woman officially employed as a scientist--by no less than the King of England. The information from the Herschels' star catalogs is still used by space agencies today.

The book includes excerpts from Caroline Herschel's autobiography.

A 2018 NSTA-CBC Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12.

Author Biography

Emily Arnold McCully is a Caldecott Award-winning author and illustrator. Her books for Holiday House include In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb by Marion Dane Bauer and Ballerina Swan by Allegra Kent, as well as 3, 2, 1, Go!, Pete Won't Eat and Little Ducks Go, which she both wrote and illustrated.

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