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A Centaur's Life Vol. 11

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-03-21
  • Publisher: Seven Seas

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Being a teenager is never easy...especially for a centaur!A Centaur's Life is an ongoing manga series with a wholly unique take on the slice-of-life genre-it focuses on the daily school life of supernatural creatures. This series features quirky and adorable artwork presented in oversized editions that include a color insert in each volume.Himeno is a sweet, shy girl, who, like many teens her age, struggles with the trials and tribulations of attending high school. The difference is she's a centaur; but she's not alone. In fact, all of her classmates are supernatural creatures, sporting either horns, wings, tails, halos, or some other unearthly body appendage. Yet despite their fantastical natures, Himeno and her best friends-the dragon-winged Nozomi, and Kyoko with her spiraled horns-are down-to earth, fun-loving teenagers who grapple with issues of life and love in a mostly normal daily school setting.A Centaur's Life will appeal to fans of slice-of-life manga like Yotsuba&! and of supernatural schools like Rosario + Vampire.

Author Biography

Kei Murayama is a Japanese manga author and artist whose A Centaur’s Life won the eighth Comic Ryujin Award in Japan.

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