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Centered and Connected A Therapeutic Approach to Mind-Body Awareness

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-05-12
  • Publisher: North Atlantic Books
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Centered and Connectedpresents body-based techniques that integrate practices of self-reflection and non-judgmental awareness in order to foster healing, build self-esteem, and develop a stronger connection to one's body. Author Rytz explores the disconnection between the mind and body, which can create alienation, lack of self-acceptance, and more serious emotional problems. Some of the body areas explored include the head, heart, hands, feet, stomach, and pelvis, as well as body-related phenomena such as the breath, gravity, and the voice. Each topic is followed by four simple and enjoyable activities meant to improve the body-mind relationship. There are 128 activities in all. More than 250 photographs and illustrations help readers visualize and utilize the exercises described.

Author Biography

With her extensive background in body-based therapies, Thea Rytz developed a body awareness program at the University Hospital at Berne, Switzerland, to treat those suffering from eating disorders. She is also the collaborator in a successful government-sponsored program to develop songs for children to improve their self-esteem. Rytz currently resides in Berne.

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