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China's Higher Education Reform and Internationalisation

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-11-29
  • Publisher: Routledge

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Despite radical and fundamental reform of the Chinese higher education system, very little is known about this outside China. The past decade has seen radical reform of all levels of China's education system as it attempts to meet changing economic and social needs and aspirations: this has included transformation of university curricula, pedagogy and evaluation measures, rapidly increasing joint research and degree programmes between Chinese universities and universities abroad, and very large numbers of Chinese students studying at universities outside China.This book describes the historical, cultural, intellectual and contemporary background and contexts of the reform and internationalisation of higher education in China. It discusses these changes, outlines the challenges posed by the changes for university administrators, faculty, researchers, students and those working with Chinese academics and students in China and abroad, and assesses the impact, and evaluates the success, of the changes. Most importantly, it considers how this mobility of people and ideas across educational systems and cultures can contribute to new ways of working and understanding between Western and Chinese academic cultures.The book is a companion to Education Reform in China , which focuses on reform at the early childhood, primary and secondary levels.

Author Biography

Janette Ryan is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, Australia. Her publications include International Education and the Chinese Learner.

Table of Contents

List of tablesp. xii
List of figuresp. xiii
Acknowledgementsp. xiv
Contributorsp. xv
Introductionp. 1
Internationalisarion and reform of China's higher education: Structures and policiesp. 7
Enter the Dragon: The internationalisation of China's higher education systemp. 9
Chinese ways of thinking in the transformation of China's higher education systemp. 34
Reform and development of teaching assessment in China's higher education institutionsp. 48
Reform and internationalisation: Programmes and pedagogiesp. 65
Preparing for the twenty-first century: Liberal education and undergraduate educational reform at Sun Yat-sen Universityp. 69
Cross-cultural team teaching in China: A retrospective viewp. 87
Transition in Chinese-British higher education articulation programmes: Closing the gap between East and West?p. 104
International education and exchange: Experiences and expectationsp. 121
Understanding Chinese international students at a Canadian university: Perspectives, expectations and experiencesp. 123
Managing change and transition: Chinese students' experiences in British higher educationp. 134
Chinese international students in Australia: Creating new knowledge and identitiesp. 151
Intercultural education: Values and motivationsp. 169
Overcoming the cultural challenges in supervising Chinese research students in Australiap. 173
The hidden curriculum: A critical analysis of tertiary English teaching in Chinap. 193
Costs and benefits of international education: Chinese Masters students at the University of Oxfordp. 211
Chinese students studying abroad: The role of parents' investment in their children's educationp. 237
Indexp. 253
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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