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Christian Peoples of the Spirit

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-07-25
  • Publisher: Ingram Pub Services

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Among all groups in Christendom, The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement is second in size only To The Roman Catholic Church, with growth that shows no signs of abatement. Its adherents declare the Pentecostal Movement, which began at Azusa Street in 1906, To be unprecedented in Christian history since the first century of the Church in its embrace of manifestations of the Holy Spirit such as divine healing, miracles, and speaking in tongues. Yet although it may be unprecedented in size and rate of growth, Stanley M. Burgess argues that is hardly unprecedented in concept. In Christian Peoples of the Spirit, Burgess collects documentary evidence for two thousand years of individuals and groups who have evidenced Pentecostal/charismatic-like spiritual giftings, worship, and experience.The documents in this collection, bolstered by concise editorial introductions, offer the original writings of a wide variety of "peoples of the spirit" from Tertullian and Antony of the Desert To The Shakers and Sunder Singh, As well as of their enemies or detractors. Though virtually all of the parties in this volume considered themselves Spirit-gifted, or given special qualities by God, they are in many ways as different from one another as the cultures from which they have emerged. In providing such an impressive array of voices, Burgess convincingly demonstrates that there have indeed been Spirit-filled worship and charismatic saints in all periods of church history.

Author Biography

Stanley M. Burgess is Distinguished Professor of Christian History at Regent University and Professor Emeritus, Missouri State University. He is author or editor of several books, including The Holy Spirit: Medieval Roman Catholic and Reformation Traditions and The Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements.

Table of Contents

Introductionp. 1
The Ancient Churchesp. 4
The Didachep. 5
The Shepherd of Hermasp. 8
The Odes of Solomonp. 11
The Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrnap. 14
Justin Martyrp. 17
Irenaeus of Lyonsp. 20
Montanismp. 25
Tertullianp. 30
The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitasp. 33
Pseudo-Clementp. 37
Gregory the Wonderworkerp. 38
Origenp. 41
Antony of the Desertp. 45
Ephrem the Syrianp. 48
Pseudo-Macariusp. 53
Augustine of Hippop. 57
Basil of Cappadociap. 63
Gregory the Greatp. 71
Isaac of Ninevehp. 75
Armenian Paulicianismp. 81
The Medieval Churchesp. 85
Symeon the New Theologianp. 86
Gregory Palamasp. 93
The Roman Ritualp. 97
Hildegard of Bingenp. 98
Joachim of Fiorep. 104
Francis of Assisip. 111
Thomas Aquinasp. 116
Popular Piety in the Medieval Roman Catholic Westp. 122
Vincent Ferrierp. 125
The Catharsp. 128
The Early Modern Churchesp. 134
Martin Lutherp. 135
Thomas Müntzerp. 142
Ignatius of Loyolap. 147
Francis Xavierp. 151
George Foxp. 156
The Camisards (ôFrench Prophetsö)p. 161
John Laceyp. 164
The Jansenistsp. 169
The Shakersp. 172
John Wesleyp. 177
Seraphim of Sarovp. 186
Edward Irvingp. 189
Latter-day Saints (Mormons)p. 198
Horace Bushnellp. 204
John Christian Aroolappenp. 210
The Molokansp. 213
John of Kronstadtp. 220
Ellen Gould Whitep. 225
Contemporary Peoples of the Spiritp. 230
Elena Guerra and Pope Leo XIIIp. 231
Charles F. Parhamp. 233
William Joseph Seymourp. 235
The Azusa Street Revivalp. 240
Pandita Ramabai Sarasvatip. 243
Minnie Abramsp. 248
George Barton Cuttenp. 250
Sunder Singhp. 253
John Sungp. 261
Aimee Semple McPhersonp. 265
Dennis J. Bennettp. 270
Lumen Gentiump. 273
Pope Paul VIp. 274
Pope John Paul IIp. 279
Snake Handlersp. 286
The Toronto Blessingp. 291
The Memphis Miraclep. 294
Raniero Cantalamessap. 299
Glossaryp. 303
Indexp. 307
About the Editorp. 311
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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