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Claro de tierra (rtca)

by ;
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-02-01
  • Publisher: Edhasa
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Imperial Earth takes place on the Moon, two hundred years after the planets have been colonized by man and when the new inhabitants of the Moon consider themselves independent of the nations of Earth and of the Earth itself. Arthur C. Clarke decided to write this novel in 1941, staring in astonishment at the smoking rubble of the bombed-out London East End. Then he imagined "another war", whose frame was the Moon. 

Author Biography

Sir Arthur C. Clarke was one of the great masters of science fiction In 1948 he finished his studies in physics and mathematics with honors, but beforehand he had published some short stories in specialized magazines, although his first works were signed under the pseudonyms Charles Willis and E.G. O'Brien. Books such as The Sands of Mars, Expedition to Earth, The End of Childhood, Tales of Ten Worlds or The City and the Stars endorse him as the narrator who has examined the future of space travel with greater competence and lucidity, but there is no doubt that 2001: A Space Odyssey, is his most famous work.

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