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Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine : An Introduction

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-10-30
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
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List Price: $67.99


Now in its third edition, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine serves as an introductory resource for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, and laboratory staff on treatment and management of laboratory animals, including mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, and non-human primates. Each species chapter follows a simple and easy-to-use format, covering behavior, anatomic and physiological features, breeding and reproduction, husbandry, handling and restraint, blood collection, urine collection, drug administration, anesthesia, surgery, postoperative care, therapeutic agents, and diseases. Convenient tables supply essential biological and physiological data, blood values, and information on drug dosaging. Appendices include normal values or hematological data and serum biochemical data, as well as a listing of organizations in laboratory animal medicine. Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine not only facilitates safe and humane treatment of animals in laboratory settings but also can serve as a practical guide for veterinary practitioners and technicians who are faced with many of these same species in daily practice.

Author Biography

Karen Hrapkiewicz, DVM, MS, DACLAM, is Program Director of Veterinary Technology, Department of Laboratory Animal Resources, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

Leticia Medina, DVM, DACLAM, is Manager of Animal Welfare and Compliance, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL.

Table of Contents

About the Authorsp. xi
Prefacep. xiii
Introduction to Laboratory Animal Medicinep. 3
Organizationsp. 3
Animals Used in Research, Product Safety Testing, and Teachingp. 8
The 3R's: Reduction, Replacement, and Refinementp. 11
Internet Resourcesp. 13
Technical Referencesp. 13
Regulations, Policies, and Principles Governing the Care and Use of Laboratory Animalsp. 14
Animal Welfare Act and Regulationsp. 14
General Referencesp. 26
Facility, Equipment, Housing, and Managementp. 27
Laboratory Animal Facility Designp. 27
Biosecurityp. 28
Facility Equipmentp. 32
Housingp. 34
Managementp. 37
General Referencesp. 38
Technical Referencesp. 38
Micep. 39
Geneticsp. 39
Ecologic Typesp. 40
Usesp. 41
Behaviorp. 41
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 42
Breeding and Reproductionp. 43
Husbandryp. 44
Techniquesp. 47
Therapeutic Agentsp. 57
Introduction to Diseases of Micep. 57
Internet Resourcesp. 72
General Referencesp. 72
Technical Referencesp. 72
Ratsp. 79
Geneticsp. 79
Ecologic Typesp. 80
Usesp. 80
Behaviorp. 80
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 81
Breeding and Reproductionp. 82
Husbandryp. 83
Techniquesp. 85
Therapeutic Agentsp. 94
Introduction to Diseases of Ratsp. 94
Internet Resourcesp. 107
General Referencesp. 108
Technical Referencesp. 108
Gerbilsp. 112
Usesp. 112
Behaviorp. 113
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 113
Breeding and Reproductionp. 114
Husbandryp. 115
Techniquesp. 116
Therapeutic Agentsp. 121
Introduction to Diseases of Gerbilsp. 123
General Referencesp. 127
Technical Referencesp. 128
Hamstersp. 130
Usesp. 130
Behaviorp. 131
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 131
Breeding and Reproductionp. 133
Husbandryp. 134
Techniquesp. 135
Therapeutic Agentsp. 140
Introduction to Diseases of Hamstersp. 142
General Referencesp. 149
Technical Referencesp. 149
Guinea Pigsp. 152
Usesp. 152
Behaviorp. 153
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 153
Breeding and Reproductionp. 155
Husbandryp. 156
Techniquesp. 158
Therapeutic Agentsp. 163
Introduction to Diseases of Guinea Pigsp. 164
Internet Resourcesp. 176
General Referencesp. 176
Technical Referencesp. 177
Chinchillasp. 180
Usesp. 180
Behaviorp. 181
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 181
Breeding and Reproductionp. 182
Husbandryp. 183
Techniquesp. 185
Therapeutic Agentsp. 189
Introduction to Diseases of Chinchillasp. 189
General Referencesp. 195
Technical Referencesp. 196
Rabbitsp. 198
Breedsp. 198
Usesp. 199
Behaviorp. 199
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 199
Breeding and Reproductionp. 202
Husbandryp. 203
Techniquesp. 205
Therapeutic Agentsp. 217
Introduction to Diseases of Rabbitsp. 217
Internet Resourcesp. 237
General Referencesp. 237
Technical Referencesp. 238
Ferretsp. 242
Usesp. 242
Behaviorp. 243
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 244
Breeding and Reproductionp. 246
Husbandryp. 247
Techniquesp. 249
Therapeutic Agentsp. 257
Introduction to Diseases of Ferretsp. 257
Internet Resourcesp. 277
General Referencesp. 277
Technical Referencesp. 277
Nonhuman Primatesp. 280
Taxonomyp. 280
Usesp. 284
Behaviorp. 285
Anatomic and Physiologic Featuresp. 286
Breeding and Reproductionp. 287
Husbandryp. 288
Techniquesp. 291
Therapeutic Agentsp. 300
Introduction to Diseases of Nonhuman Primatesp. 306
Internet Resourcesp. 324
General Referencesp. 324
Technical Referencesp. 325
Research Variables and Quality Controlp. 330
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factorsp. 330
Quality Controlp. 338
General Referencesp. 342
Technical Referencesp. 342
Normal Valuesp. 343
CD Imagesp. 348
Indexp. 355
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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