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Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine An Introduction

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2013-11-11
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine An Introduction [ISBN: 9781118345108] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Hrapkiewicz, Karen; Colby, Lesley A.; Denison, Patricia. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine: An Introduction, Fourth Edition offers a user-friendly guide to the unique anatomy and physiology, care, common diseases, and treatment of small mammals and nonhuman primates. Carefully designed for ease of use, the book includes tip boxes, images, and review questions to aid in comprehension and learning. The Fourth Edition adds new information on transgenic mice, drug dosages, techniques, and environmental enrichment, making the book a comprehensive working manual for the care and maintenance of common laboratory animals.

The book includes information on topics ranging from genetics and behavior to husbandry and techniques in mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, and nonhuman primates. A companion website provides editable review questions and answers, instructional PowerPoints, and additional images not found in the book. Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine is an invaluable resource for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and research scientists.

Author Biography

Karen Hrapkiewicz, DVM, MS, DACLAM, is a consultant in laboratory animal medicine and an adjunct faculty instructor at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan.

Lesley Colby, DVM, MS, DACLAM is Senior Director of Animal Resources and Operations at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

Patricia Denison, LVT, LATG, is a licensed veterinary technician at Veterinary Emergency Service in Madison Heights, Michigan.

Table of Contents

About the Authors xi

Preface xiii

About the Companion Web Site xv

1 Introduction to Laboratory Animal Medicine 1

Animals Used in Research, Product Safety Testing, and Education 2

Ethical Considerations 5

Organizations 9

References 14

Further Reading 14

Chapter 1 Review 15

2 Regulations, Policies, and Principles Governing the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 18

Animal Welfare Act and Regulations 18

References 31

Further Reading 32

Chapter 2 Review 32

3 Facility Design, Equipment, Housing, and Management 34

Laboratory Animal Facility Design 34

Biosecurity 35

Facility Equipment 41

Housing 43

Management 48

References 50

Further Reading 50

Chapter 3 Review 51

4 Mice 54

Genetics 54

Microbiologic Classifications 56

Uses 57

Behavior 57

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 58

Breeding and Reproduction 60

Husbandry 61

Techniques 66

Special Techniques: Transgenic Production Technology 76

Therapeutic Agents 80

Introduction to Diseases of Mice 80

References 94

Further Reading 97

Chapter 4 Review 102

5 Rats 105

Genetics 105

Microbiologic Classifications 106

Uses 107

Behavior 107

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 108

Breeding and Reproduction 110

Husbandry 110

Techniques 113

Therapeutic Agents 123

Introduction to Diseases of Rats 123

References 138

Further Reading 140

Chapter 5 Review 143

6 Gerbils 145

Uses 145

Behavior 146

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 146

Breeding and Reproduction 147

Husbandry 148

Techniques 149

Therapeutic Agents 156

Introduction to Diseases of Gerbils 156

References 161

Further Reading 163

Chapter 6 Review 164

7 Hamsters 167

Uses 167

Behavior 168

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 169

Breeding and Reproduction 171

Husbandry 172

Techniques 173

Therapeutic Agents 179

Introduction to Diseases of Hamsters 182

References 189

Further Reading 190

Chapter 7 Review 192

8 Guinea Pigs 195

Uses 195

Behavior 196

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 197

Breeding and Reproduction 200

Husbandry 201

Techniques 202

Therapeutic Agents 208

Introduction to Diseases of Guinea Pigs 208

References 221

Further Reading 223

Chapter 8 Review 225

9 Chinchillas 227

Uses 227

Behavior 228

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 228

Breeding and Reproduction 230

Husbandry 231

Techniques 232

Therapeutic Agents 237

Introduction to Diseases of Chinchillas 239

References 244

Further Reading 245

Chapter 9 Review 246

10 Rabbits 249

Breeds 249

Uses 250

Behavior 251

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 251

Breeding and Reproduction 254

Husbandry 256

Techniques 259

Therapeutic Agents 271

Introduction to Diseases of Rabbits 271

References 289

Further Reading 292

Chapter 10 Review 295

11 Ferrets 298

Uses 298

Behavior 299

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 299

Breeding and Reproduction 301

Husbandry 302

Techniques 304

Therapeutic Agents 312

Introduction to Diseases of Ferrets 312

References 330

Further Reading 332

Chapter 11 Review 334

12 Primates 337

Taxonomy 337

Uses 341

Behavior 342

Anatomic and Physiologic Features 343

Breeding and Reproduction 344

Husbandry 345

Techniques 349

Therapeutic Agents 356

Introduction to Diseases of Nonhuman Primates 356

References 377

Further Reading 379

Chapter 12 Review 383

13 Research Variables and Quality Control 386

Research Variables: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors 386

Quality Control 395

Reference 400

Further Reading 400

Chapter 13 Review 401

Appendix 1: Normal Values 403

Appendix 2: Comparative Biologic and Reproductive Values by Species 408

Appendix 3: Supportive and Critical Care Products for Laboratory Animal Use 412

Answers to Review Questions 414

Index 417

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