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Clinical Skills for Nurses

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-06-27
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
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Clinical Skills for Nurses

A handy introduction to the essential practical procedures that nurses need to know

Clinical Skills for Nurses is designed to help student nurses understand the practice of common clinical skills and procedures in various healthcare environments, from the acute hospital ward to the community setting. Written by a highly experienced nurse and Practice Development Trainer, this pocket-sized guide covers 16 clinical skills in an accessible, step-by-step format. Numerous activities and exercises build your confidence and competence, whilst end-of-chapter questions test your understanding of intravenous therapy, tracheotomy care, bowel care, early patient assessment and response, basic life support, and more.

Now in its second edition, Clinical Skills for Nurses provides new and updated material throughout, including information about the PUREWICK female external catheter, constipation, moisture lesions, Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT), and the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2). This edition also includes more ‘Test Your Knowledge’ questions, new links to internet resources, and coverage of four additional clinical skills: stoma care, continence care, anaphylaxis, and performing an electrocardiogram (ECG).

  • Reflects the current NMC standards for pre-registration education and the Essential Skills Clusters
  • Provides the underpinning knowledge of how each clinical skill should be performed
  • Features valuable tips, hints, and advice from real-life student nurses
  • Includes numerous examples drawn from a variety of real-world nursing and healthcare scenarios
  • Contains a wealth of learning tools, including glossary boxes, key points, learning outcomes, illustrations, tables, and graphs

Developed by nursing students for nursing students, Clinical Skills for Nurses, Second Edition is a must-have guide for all student nurses as well as newly qualified or more experienced nurses looking to refresh their knowledge of clinical skills.

Author Biography

Claire Boyd is a Practice Development Trainer at North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol, UK. She has been a nurse for more than 35 years and has extensive experience training qualified nurses and midwives, student nurses, Assistant Practitioners, Nursing Associates, Physiotherapists, Operating Department Practitioners, Nursing Assistants, Community Carers, and even Doctors in clinical skills.

Table of Contents

Preface vi

Introduction vii

Acknowledgements x

1 Aseptic Non-Touch Technique and Infection Prevention 1

2 Performing Observations 17

3 ABCDE Assessment 41

4 Continence Care 54

5 Male Urethral Catheterisation 71

6 Female Urethral Catheterisation 102

7 Bowel Care 112

8 Stoma Care 145

9 Tracheostomy Care 157

10 Point-of-Care Training 173

11 Venepuncture 193

12 Peripheral Cannulation 214

13 Intravenous Therapy 228

14 Blood Transfusion 256

15 Basic Life Support 275

16 Performing An Electrocardiogram 288

Answers 309

Appendix 1: News 2 Observation Chart 323

Index 325

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