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Collecting with Vision : Treasures from the Chrysler Museum of Art

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2007-03-01
  • Publisher: D Giles Ltd
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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


The Chrysler Museum of Art houses one of America's great collections of fine and decorative art from antiquity to contemporary America. Founded in 1939 as the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, the Museum experienced explosive growth in 1971 when automobile heir and art collector Walter P. Chrysler presented the city of Norfolk with his collection. Since Chrysler's death in 1989 the Museum has continued to grow and expand, building on his incredible legacy. This heavily illustrated volume presents in color over 200 of the most important pieces of art from Museum's holdings of American painting and sculpture, including major paintings by Copley, Cole, Bierstadt, Homer, Cassatt, Chase and Twatchman, Italian Renaissance and Baroque masterpieces, including works by Filippino Lippi and Salvator Rosa, Dutch and Flemish Old Masters, including works by Jan Gossaert and Peter Paul Rubens, and works by great European painters like Velazquez, Boucher, Delacroix and Gaugin. In addition to fine art the Chrysler Museum boasts major collections of decorative art. This volume features supreme examples of Tiffany and Gallé glass, Worcester porcelain and Gorham silver. The glass collection is of international significance and features major works from the Middle East and antiquity to contemporary studio pieces by Dale Chihuly and Catherine "Cappy" Thompson. Photography also features strongly, with major collections of early photographs, civil war images, and iconic images from the civil rights movement.

Table of Contents

History of the Chrysler Museum of Artp. 8
Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. : visionary collectorp. 10
Art of the ancient world and non-Western culturesp. 12
European painting and sculpturep. 20
American painting and sculpturep. 56
European and American works on paperp. 86
Photographyp. 98
Glassp. 122
Other decorative artsp. 150
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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