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A Companion to Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-12-21
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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With 30 historiographical essays by established and rising scholars, this Companion is a comprehensive picture of the presidencies and legacies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

  • Examines important national and international events during the 1970s, as well as presidential initiatives, crises, and legislation
  • Discusses the biography of each man before entering the White House, his legacy and work after leaving office, and the lives of Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, and their families
  • Covers key themes and issues, including Watergate and the pardon of Richard Nixon, the Vietnam War, neoconservatism and the rise of the New Right, and the Iran hostage crisis
  • Incorporates presidential, diplomatic, military, economic, social, and cultural history
  • Uses the most recent research and newly released documents from the two Presidential Libraries and the State Department

Author Biography

Scott Kaufman is Professor of History at Francis Marion University. He is the author of Rosalynn Carter: Equal Partner in the White House (2007), Plans Unraveled: The Foreign Policy of the Carter Administration (2008), and Project Plowshare: The Peaceful Use of Nuclear Explosives in Cold War America (2013).

Table of Contents

Notes on Contributors vii

Acknowledgements xi

Introduction 1

Scott Kaufman

1 Détente’s Limits: Caught between Cooperation and Confrontation 5
Vanessa Walker

2 Beyond Narcissism: Politics and Popular Culture in the Age of Malaise 27
Bradford Martin

3 Gerald Ford: From Michigan to Washington 50
Scott Kaufman

4 From Plains to Atlanta, 1924–1974 64
E. Stanly Godbold, Jr.

5 The Presidency and the Pardon 80
Andrew Downer Crain

6 Gerald R. Ford’s Domestic Policy 95
Yanek Mieczkowski

7 US Intelligence Agencies during the Ford Years 114
Kathryn S. Olmsted

8 Détente’s Disintegration, Neoconservatism, and the Ford Presidency 130
Binoy Kampmark

9 Ford and the Armed Forces 149
Ingo Trauschweizer

10 Gerald R. Ford: The Press, Popular Culture, and Politics 166
Raymond Haberski, Jr.

11 Ford and Ford 181
T. Alissa Warters

12 Just a Caretaker? 196
Jason Friedman

13 Politics and the Public Mood in 1976 211
Nicole L. Anslover

14 Jimmy Carter’s 1976 Presidential Campaign: The Saint, the Sinner, and the Hopeless Dreamer 229
Jeffrey Bloodworth

15 The Transition 251
John P. Burke

16 Carter, the Soviet Union, Détente, and SALT II 272
Jaclyn Stanke

17 Trilateralism 290
Kristin L. Ahlberg

18 From East–West to North–South 312
Andy DeRoche

19 Carter’s Domestic Dilemmas, 1977–1978 335
Timothy Stanley

20 Mrs. President? 350
Eryn Kane

21 President Carter and the Press 364
Jeffrey Crouch and Elise Tollefson

22 Jimmy Carter, Congress, and the Supreme Court 379
Leo P. Ribuffo

23 1979: Year of Crises 410
Blake W. Jones

24 The Armed Forces during the Carter Years 430
Robert T. Davis II and Scott Kaufman

25 The Center of the Carter Conundrum: Human Rights and Foreign Policy 451
William Steding

26 The Election of 1980 470
Andrew E. Busch

27 Get Carter: Assessing the Record of the Thirty-Ninth President 491
Joe Renouard

28 The Post-Presidential Years of Gerald R. Ford 513
Michael A. Davis

29 A Presidency Lost, a Life Gained: Jimmy Carter’s Post-Presidency 532
Frances M. Jacobson

30 Agendas, Speakers, and Spokesmen 548
John Dumbrell

Index 567

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