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Comparative Media Law and Ethics

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Nonspecific Binding
  • Copyright: 2010-01-28
  • Publisher: Routledge

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Providing practical and theoretical resources on media law and ethics for the United Kingdom and United States of America and other legal jurisdictions such as France, Japan, India, China and Saudi Arabia, Comparative Media Law and Ethics is suitable for upper undergraduate and postgraduate study in higher education and is of use to professionals in the media who need to work internationally.

Author Biography

Tim Crook is Senior Lecturer in Media Law and Ethics and Head of Radio at Goldsmiths College, University of London, as well as being a Visiting Instructor on Media Law to the BBC. He has worked professionally in radio, theatre, television and film as a journalist, producer, director and sound designer for more than 30 years and has won more than 60 awards for drama, journalism and production. His previous publications include Radio Drama (1999) and International Radio Journalism (1997).

Table of Contents

List of illustrationsp. vi
Acknowledgementsp. x
List of abbreviationsp. xi
Primary media law of the UK and USAp. 1
Media jurisprudence, media ethicology and media ethicismp. 155
Defamation lawp. 234
Contempt/protecting fair trial lawp. 262
Privacy lawp. 274
Media regulationp. 295
State and national security lawp. 316
Media law and ethics: four genres of jurisdictionp. 334
The legal problematizing of journalismp. 348
Human rights and international law for journalistsp. 370
Racial and religious hatredp. 387
Copyright and intellectual property lawp. 400
Freedom of information legislationp. 412
Select glossaryp. 431
Bibliographyp. 451
Indexp. 474
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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