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Conversations With Grandpa What Every Christian Grandfather Wants His Children to Understand

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-12-28
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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List Price: $10.61 Save up to $0.01
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"Conversations With Grandpa...What Every Christian Grandfather Wants His Children And Grandchildren To Understand" is a skillfully written trilogy starting with the heart-warming story about Dr. Stephens' acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Savior. The highly unusual interjection of circumstances into his life, by a Christian southern couple, provided the knowledge and reason for the need of salvation in one's life.

Dr. Stephens' intense study of the Bible, his church attendance, and the countless hours spent in prayer and study enabled him to provide the scriptural background for the 2nd book within the trilogy. Areas of interest covered are salvation, justification, and sanctification. The clear description of these subjects will enlighten anyone from the teenager to the senior adult, who is searching for knowledge on how one gets to heaven.

Dr. Stephens uses a unique approach of fictitious objections to the Bible that he has encountered through years of witnessing to people. The objections of these fictitious characters were actually told to him, which provided insight and information for the writing of this book.

The last book gives Dr. Stephens' life experiences of dealing with cancer, the loss of 2 professional licenses, which devastated his income, and the way to dealt with forgiveness of all who violated his constitutional rights in the loss of his licenses.

This book will become a reference book for years to come

Author Biography

Dr. Stephens has spent many years teaching adult Sunday School classes, weekly classes at a homeless shelter dealing with people of all circumstances, where he developed a greater love for lost people and an ability to understand and overcome objections to the salvation message.
His approach is gentle but bold, backed by scripture and accuracy, to help people from teenagers to senior adults make the decision to follow Christ.
This book is filled with his heartwarming decision to follow Christ, his ongoing cancer treatment, the loss of 2 professional licenses, a major lesson in forgiveness, and the development of an ability to survive any calamity with the help of the Holy Spirit.
This book will touch your heart and help one to live a life free of anxiety about heaven. Whether you have never been to church and read the Bible, or sat every Sunday in church but still don't know if you are saved, this book is for you.

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