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Core Java™ 2, Volume I--Fundamentals

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-01-01
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall
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Timely new edition of the best-selling introductory book to Java for experienced programmers, completely updated for J2SE 1.5.

Author Biography

Gary Cornell has been a visiting scientist at IBM Watson Labs, as well as a professor at the University of Connecticut.

Table of Contents

List of Code Examplesp. xiii
Prefacep. xv
To the Readerp. xv
About This Bookp. xvii
Conventionsp. xviii
Sample Codep. xix
Acknowledgmentsp. xxi
An Introduction to Javap. 1
Java as a Programming Platformp. 1
The Java "White Paper" Buzzwordsp. 2
Java and the Internetp. 7
A Short History of Javap. 8
Common Misconceptions About Javap. 11
The Java Programming Environmentp. 15
Installing the Java Development Kitp. 15
Choosing a Development Environmentp. 19
Using the Command-Line Toolsp. 20
Using an Integrated Development Environmentp. 22
Compiling and Running Programs from a Text Editorp. 25
Running a Graphical Applicationp. 27
Building and Running Appletsp. 30
Fundamental Programming Structures in Javap. 35
A Simple Java Programp. 35
Commentsp. 38
Data Typesp. 39
Variablesp. 42
Operatorsp. 45
Stringsp. 51
Input and Outputp. 58
Control Flowp. 65
Big Numbersp. 79
Arraysp. 81
Objects and Classesp. 93
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programmingp. 93
Using Predefined Classesp. 99
Defining Your Own Classesp. 108
Static Fields and Methodsp. 117
Method Parametersp. 122
Object Constructionp. 127
Packagesp. 135
Documentation Commentsp. 144
Class Design Hintsp. 148
Inheritancep. 151
Classes, Superclasses, and Subclassesp. 151
Object: The Cosmic Superclassp. 169
Generic Array Listsp. 179
Object Wrappers and Autoboxingp. 186
Reflectionp. 189
Enumeration Classesp. 207
Design Hints for Inheritancep. 209
Interfaces and Inner Classesp. 211
Interfacesp. 211
Object Cloningp. 218
Interfaces and Callbacksp. 223
Inner Classesp. 226
Proxiesp. 239
Graphics Programmingp. 245
Introducing Swingp. 245
Creating a Framep. 249
Positioning a Framep. 251
Displaying Information in a Panelp. 256
Working with 2D Shapesp. 260
Using Colorp. 267
Using Special Fonts for Textp. 272
Doing More with Imagesp. 278
Event Handlingp. 285
Basics of Event Handlingp. 285
The AWT Event Hierarchyp. 302
Semantic and Low-Level Events in the AWTp. 304
Low-Level Event Typesp. 307
Actionsp. 323
Multicastingp. 330
Implementing Event Sourcesp. 333
User Interface Components with Swingp. 339
The Model-View-Controller Design Patternp. 339
Introduction to Layout Managementp. 345
Text Inputp. 354
Choice Componentsp. 380
Menusp. 406
Sophisticated Layout Managementp. 424
Dialog Boxesp. 455
Deploying Applets and Applicationsp. 493
Applet Basicsp. 493
The Applet HTML Tags and Attributesp. 504
Multimediap. 513
The Applet Contextp. 515
JAR Filesp. 525
Application Packagingp. 526
Java Web Startp. 532
Storage of Application Preferencesp. 544
Exceptions and Debuggingp. 557
Dealing with Errorsp. 558
Catching Exceptionsp. 564
Tips for Using Exceptionsp. 576
Loggingp. 579
Using Assertionsp. 594
Debugging Techniquesp. 597
Using a Debuggerp. 611
Streams and Filesp. 619
Streamsp. 619
The Complete Stream Zoop. 622
ZIP File Streamsp. 643
Use of Streamsp. 650
Object Streamsp. 662
File Managementp. 684
New I/Op. 689
Regular Expressionsp. 698
Generic Programmingp. 707
Why Generic Programming?p. 707
Definition of a Simple Generic Classp. 709
Generic Methodsp. 711
Bounds for Type Variablesp. 711
Generic Code and the Virtual Machinep. 713
Restrictions and Limitationsp. 717
Inheritance Rules for Generic Typesp. 720
Wildcard Typesp. 721
Reflection and Genericsp. 729
Java Keywordsp. 735
Retrofitting JDK 5.0 Codep. 737
Enhanced for Loopp. 737
Generic Array Listsp. 737
Autoboxingp. 737
Variable Parameter Listsp. 738
Covariant Return Typesp. 738
Static Importp. 738
Console Inputp. 738
Formatted Outputp. 739
Content Pane Delegationp. 739
Unicode Code Pointsp. 739
Building Stringsp. 739
Indexp. 741
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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To the Reader In late 1995, the Java programming language burst onto the Internet scene and gained instant celebrity status. The promise of Java technology was that it would become theuniversal gluethat connects users with information, whether that information comes from web servers, databases, information providers, or any other imaginable source. Indeed, Java is in a unique position to fulfill this promise. It is an extremely solidly engineered language that has gained acceptance by all major vendors, except for Microsoft. Its built-in security and safety features are reassuring both to programmers and to the users of Java programs. Java even has built-in support that makes advanced programming tasks, such as network programming, database connectivity, and multithreading, straightforward. Since 1995, Sun Microsystems has released six major revisions of the Java Development Kit. Over the course of the last nine years, the Application Programming Interface (API) has grown from about 200 to over 3,000 classes. The API now spans such diverse areas as user interface construction, database management, internationalization, security, and XML processing. JDK 5.0, released in 2004, is the most impressive update of the Java language since the original Java release. The book you have in your hand is the first volume of the seventh edition of theCore Java 2book. With the publishing of each edition, the book followed the release of the Java Development Kit as quickly as possible, and each time, we rewrote the book to take advantage of the newest Java features. In this edition, we are enthusiastic users of generic collections, the enhanced for loop, and other exciting features of JDK 5.0. As with the previous editions of this book, westill target serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects.We still guarantee no nervous text or dancing tooth-shaped characters. We think of you, our reader, as a programmer with a solid background in a programming language.But you do not need to know C++ or object-oriented programming.Based on the responses we have received to the earlier editions of this book, we remain confident that experienced Visual Basic, C, or COBOL programmers will have no trouble with this book. (You don't even need any experience in building graphical user interfaces for Windows, UNIX, or the Macintosh.) What we do is assume you want to: Write real code to solve real problems and Don't like books filled with toy examples (such as toasters, fruits, or zoo animals) In this book you will find lots of sample code that demonstrates almost every language and library feature that we discuss. We kept the sample programs purposefully simple to focus on the major points, but, for the most part, they aren't fake and they don't cut corners. They should make good starting points for your own code. We assume you are willing, even eager, to learn about all the advanced features that Java puts at your disposal. For example, we give you a detailed treatment of: Object-oriented programming Reflection and proxies Interfaces and inner classes The event listener model Graphical user interface design with the Swing UI toolkit Exception handling Stream input/output and object serialization Generic programming With the explosive growth of the Java class library, a one-volume treatment of all the features of Java that serious programmers need to know is no longer possible. Hence, we decided to break the book up into two volumes. The first volume, which you hold in your hands, concentrates on the fundamental concepts of the Java language, along with the basics of user-interface programming. The second volume goes further into the enterprise features and advanced user-interface programming. It includes detai

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