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Crime, Justice, and Social Order Essays in Honour of A. E. Bottoms

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-04-19
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Crime, Justice, and Social Order Essays in Honour of A. E. Bottoms [ISBN: 9780192859600] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Liebling, Alison; Shapland, Joanna; Sparks, Richard; Tankebe, Justice. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction
1. Anthony Bottoms: An Appreciation, The Editors
2. Reflections on the Life of a British Criminologist, Richard Sparks and Caroline Lanskey
Part 2: Social Order and the Criminological Enterprise
3. Criminology and 'Positive Morality', Professor Anthony Bottoms
4. In Dialogue with Philosophy: Recovering the Moral Sciences Through Criminology, Professor Jonathan Jacobs
5. Learning to Experiment: The Police, Science, and Evidence-Based Practice, Dr Peter Neyroud
6. Reasonable Hopes: Social Theory, Critique and Reconstruction in Contemporary Criminology, Professor Ian Loader and Professor Richard Sparks
Part 3: Crime, Justice, and Communities
7. Keeping a Human Perspective: Some Lessons from Women and Community Justice, Professor Loraine Gelsthorpe
8. Desistance from Crime and the Potential Role of Restorative Justice, Professor Joanna Shapland
9. Towards a True Social Ecology of Crime: On the Limitations of a Criminology Without People, Professor Per-Olof Wikström
10. Constructive Sentencing through Custody-avoiding Sanctions: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Challenges, Dr Antje du Bois-Pedain
Part 4: Punishment and Penal Order
11. What is Penal Populism? Public Opinion, Expert Knowledge, and Penal Policy-Formation in Democratic Societies, Professor David Garland
12. Penal Legitimacy, Well-Being and Trust: The Role of Empirical Research in 'Morally Serious' Work, Professor Alison Liebling
13. Creative Arts, Offender Rehabilitation, and Penal Reform: Remembering the Early Years of the Barlinnie Special Unit, Professor Mike Nellis
14. Rightful Authority: Exploring the Structure of Police Self-Legitimacy, Dr Justice Tankebe

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