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Crispin: The Cross of Lead

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-06-01
  • Publisher: INGRAM

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Genre-jumping author Avi clocks in here with his 50th book, Crispin:The Cross of Lead, an action-packed historical narrative that follows thefrantic flight of a 13-year-old peasant boy across 14th-century England.After being declared a "wolf's head" by his manor's corrupt steward for a crimehe didn't commit (meaning that anyone can kill him like a commonanimal--and collect a reward), this timid boy has to flee a tiny villagethat's the only world he's ever known. But before our protagonist escapes, Avimakes sure that we're thoroughly briefed on the injustices of feudalism--thecountless taxes cottars must pay, the constant violence, the inability of aflawed church to protect its parishioners, etc. Avi then folds in the book'scentral mystery just as the boy is leaving: "Asta's son," as he's always beenknown, learns from the village priest that his Christian name is Crispin, andthat his parents' origins--and fates--might be more perplexing than he everimagined.Providing plenty of period detail (appropriately gratuitous for the age group)and plenty of chase-scene suspense, Avi tells a good story, develops a couple offairly compelling characters, and even manages to teach a little history lesson.(Fortunately, kids won't realize that they're learning about England's peasantrevolt of 1381 until it's far too late.) (Ages 10 to 14) --Paul Hughes

Author Biography

Avi has published more than seventy books. Winner of many awards, including the 2003 Newbery award for Crispin: the Cross of Lead, two Newbery Honors, two Horn Book awards, and an O’Dell award, as well as many children’s choice awards, Avi frequently travels to schools around the country to talk to his readers. Among his most popular books are Crispin: The Cross of LeadThe True Confessions of Charlotte DoyleNothing But the Truth, the Poppy books, Midnight Magic, and The Fighting Ground. His most recent books are Ragweed and PoppyGold Rush GirlThe End of the World and Beyond (sequel to The Unexpected Life of Oliver Cromwell Pitts), and the somewhat autobiographical Catch You Later, Traitor.  Avi lives in Clark, Colorado, with his wife. He invites you to visit him online at avi-writer.com and on Twitter @avi3writer.

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