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Critical Issues in Music Education Contemporary Theory and Practice

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-10-08
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Critical Issues in Music Education Contemporary Theory and Practice [ISBN: 9780197533956] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Abeles, Harold F.; Custodero, Lori A.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.

Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Critical Issues in Music Education: Contemporary Theory and Practice provides a current introduction to key issues facing music educators. Designed as the main text for a Music Education Theory course or as a supplement for introductory courses on Music Education and Music Education Methods, this text presents a series of essays, written by key leaders in the field, each focusing on a single issue. It provides the most up-to-date, inclusive, and comprehensive introduction of any text on the market.

Most of undergraduate music teacher education focuses on developing the skills and understandings necessary to become a practitioner. The updated second edition links theory and practice, offering multiple perspectives so that music teachers are prepared as well-rounded professionals, better equipped to develop into leaders in the field. Rather than focusing on answering, "What to do" questions, Critical Issues in Music Education focuses on addressing "Why" questions, through examining underpinnings for the field and encouraging teacher inquiry.

Author Biography

Dr. Harold F. Abeles is Professor of Music and Music Education at Teachers College, Columbia University where he serves as the Co-director of the Center for Arts Education Research.

Dr. Lori Custodero is Associate Professor of Music and Music Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 The Historical Contexts of Music Education
Harold F. Abeles
Music Education in the First Half of the 20th Century
Federal Education Policy and Music Education: 1950 to Present
Equity Issues in Music Education: 1950 to Present
Suggested Readings

Chapter 2 Music as Sociocultural Phenomenon: Interactions with Music Education
Roberta Lamb and Joseph Michael Abramo
Sociology in Education, Music, and Music Education
Formalism: Functionalist and Rationalized
Conflict Theory: Marxism, Critical theory, the Frankfurt School, and Critical Pedagogy
Symbolic Interactionism in Music Education
Social Justice: Interactions with Webs of Difference
Suggested Readings

Chapter 3 Philosophical Perspectives of Music Education
Randall Everett Allsup
"First Teachers"- Confucius and Socrates
Aesthetic Philosophy
Transitional Moments and the Struggles for Diversity
Suggested Readings

Chapter 4 Meaning and Experience: The Musical Learner
Lori A. Custodero
Musical Meaning and Embodiment
Processing Musical Experience: Cognitive Structures and Connections
Musical Meaning and the Contexts for Learning
The "Creating" Mind: Making Meaning Through Making Music
Between Cognition and Creativity: Motivation and Flow Experience
Meaningful Engagement in Music Teaching and Learning
Suggested Readings

Chapter 5 The Learner in Community
Patricia A. St. John
The Community of Learners
Learning Strategies in Community
Communities of Music Learning
Suggested Readings

Chapter 6 Music Learning and Musical Development
Lori A. Custodero
Key Issues in Musical Development
General Theories of Development and Musical Applications
Pathways and Patterns of Musical Development
Developmental Characteristics of Music Learners
Summary: On Being and Becoming Musical
Suggested Readings

Chapter 7 Curriculum
Cathy Benedict
Scientific and Technical Rationality
Curriculum Reconceptualized
"Multicultural" Curriculum
Some Concluding Remarks
Suggested Readings

Chapter 8 Assessing Music Learning and Teaching
Harold F. Abeles and Kelly A. Parkes
Characteristics of Assessment Tools
Assessing the Outcomes of Music Instruction
Alternative Approaches to the Assessment of the Outcomes of Music Instruction
Standardized Testing in Music
State and National Assessments of Achievement in Music Education
Evaluating Teachers and Their Music Programs
Suggested Readings

Chapter 9 Methods and Approaches
Cathy Benedict
What is a Method?
Emile Jacques-Dalcroze
Zoltán Kodály
Carl Orff
Shinichi Suzuki
Edwin Gordon
General Issues and Lingering Thoughts
Suggested Readings

Chapter 10 Choosing Music Literature
Randall Everett Allsup and Eric Shieh
The Problems of Tradition
The Challenges of Change
Teacher Freedom
Suggested Readings

Chapter 11 Music Education Technology
James Frankel
Chapter Overview
Teaching and Learning Music in a Connected Classroom
Integration Strategies
New Learning Environments
Equity, Access & Inclusion
Suggested Readings

Chapter 12 Preservice Music Teacher Education
Colleen Conway
Research and Scholarship
Policy and Music Teacher Education
Recruitment of Music Education Majors into the Preservice Program
Adaptive Expertise
Teaching as an "Impossible Profession"
Undergraduate Student Development
Suggested Readings

Chapter 13 The Inquiring Music Teacher
Harold F. Abeles and Colleen Conway
Sources of Research in Music Education
Approaches to Research Methods
Quantitative Approaches to Research
Historical Research
Qualitative Research
Suggested Readings

Chapter 14 The Career of the Music Teacher: Support, Growth, and Leadership
Colleen Conway, Chris Marra, and Jessica Vaughan Marra
Suggested Readings


Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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