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Culture, Communication, and Cooperation Interpersonal Relations and Pronominal Address in a Mexican Organization

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2002-09-11
  • Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $130.00


Culture, Communication, and Cooperation treats a broad topic_communication and effectiveness in organizations_in a very concrete way. Patricia Covarrubias presents an engaging and original ethnographic study of approximately 550 workers in a Mexican industrial organization in Veracruz. She studies the complex interpersonal networks formed and destroyed by language subtleties, specifically forms of personal address (to and usted), and draws larger conclusions about language, culture, and social interaction in businesses and organizations.

Author Biography

Patricia Covarrubias teaches at the University of Washington.

Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures
Acknowledgments xi
Foreword xiii
Dell Hymes
Preface xv
Pronominal Address as Interpersonal Resource in the Mexican Organization
Transcontextual Relational Alignments: Tu and Usted at Work:
Provisional Realignments: Tu and Usted at Work:
Codes in Contraposition: Respeto and Confianza
Organizational Cooperation and Cultured Relationships: Pronouns at Work
Conclusion: Answering the So What Question
Bibliography 145(10)
Index 155(6)
About the Author 161

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