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Current Issues in Victimology Research, Second Edition

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-09-30
  • Publisher: Carolina Academic Pr

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This new edition updates and expands the first edition.Research on crime victims' issues is a relatively new phenomenon in the criminal justice field. With the birth of victimology in the late 1940s and early 1950s, research focused on victim-offender relationships and victim culpability. It has only been in the last few decades that researchers have both studied the effects of crime upon the victim and analyzed the services provided to the crime victim. Moriarty and Jerin provide an understanding of the impact of the criminal act upon individuals and society through recent research. The book provides the criminal justice field with a foundation for grasping the complexities of crime victimization.Current Issues in Victimology Research is a collection of sixteen original articles written by criminal justice academics and practitioners. The book is arranged into sections including fear of crime, campus victimization, victim services and representation, victims' rights versus offenders' rights, and sexual harassment and stalking.Unlike most other victimology books, which are written as textbooks, this book is a volume of the most recent research, conducted by academic scholars in the field, focusing on current issues in victimology.

Table of Contents

Victim Services: Past, Present and Futurep. 3
Does Victimization Affect Perceptions of Crime Severity? A Policy-Based Analysisp. 21
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Batterer Intervention Programs: Are We Asking the Right Questions?p. 41
Better to be Safe than Sorry: The Intimidated Witnessp. 61
Hate Crimes Victimization: A Legal Perspectivep. 75
Hate Crime: Demonstrating the Broader Scope of Victimizationp. 87
Reducing Adolescent Victimization: What Happens When Getting Shot Isn't Enough to Stop the Violence?p. 107
Elder Abuse in Alzheimer's/Dementia Cases: An Application of Routine Activities Theoryp. 115
Youth Internet Victimizationp. 133
Child Fatality: An Overview of Essential Facts and Investigative Techniques for Understanding Underreported Victimizationp. 147
Campus Crime: A Critical Examination of Using Reported Data to Assess Safetyp. 157
Evolving Approaches in Dealing with College Crime Victimization in the 21st Centuryp. 181
The Female Stalker: International Perspectives and Environmental Scenariosp. 207
Missing Persons and the Media: Sorting Through Perception and Realityp. 221
Repeat Victimization and Problem-Oriented Policing: Surmounting Crime by Attending to Victims' Needsp. 241
Curriculum Development: The California Victim Assistance Academy (CVAA) Modelp. 259
Truancy and Victimization: Is There a Connection?p. 277
Corrections-Based Victim Service and Restorative Justice Programsp. 289
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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