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Cutting the Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1998-10-30
  • Publisher: Greenwood Pub Group
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $84.00


This book introduces the reader to the critical issues, important trends, theories, and various subdisciplines in the current manifestation of radical and critical criminology and criminal justice, including postmodernism, left realism, feminism, and peacemaking. Since its articulation in the 1960s, radical and critical criminology has matured into a diverse body of work encompassing a variety of interesting perspectives. Contributors to this volume examine emerging issues in the theory (the importance of classics in radical theory, the market economy, the introduction of anarchist theory) and traditional concerns of criminology and criminal justice (white collar crime, police, prisons, community corrections, courts/sentencing), but from a critical perspective. This book showcases current scholarship in this often neglected area of theory and praxis with contributions by respected academics in the field of radical and critical criminology. These individuals represent a diversity of nationalities, races, ethnicities, religions, and genders. The reader will find their conclusions not only thought-provoking and stimulating, but highly accessible as well.

Author Biography

JEFFREY IAN ROSS is Assistant Professor for the Division of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Social Policy at the University of Baltimore.

Table of Contents

Foreword vii(4)
Dorothy H. Bracey
Preface xi
1. Cutting the Edge: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?
Jeffrey Ian Ross
I. Theoretical Issues in Criminology 9(86)
2. The Contributions of Marx, Weber, and Simmel: The Common Ground Is the Cutting Edge
Thomas O'Connor
3. Understanding Crime and Social Control in Market Economies: Looking Back and Moving Forward
Robert Bohm
4. Time for an Integrated Critical Criminology
Gregg Barak
5. Marxist Criminology and Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Outline for a General Constitutive Theory of Crime
Bruce A. Arrigo
6. Stumbling toward a Critical Criminology (and into the Anarchy and Imagery of Postmodernism)
Jeff Ferrell
7. New Directions in Critical Criminology and White Collar Crime
David O. Friedrichs
II. Traditional Concerns in Criminal Justice 95(86)
8. Radical and Critical Criminology's Treatment of Municipal Policing
Jeffrey lan Ross
9. Critical Criminology, Social Control, and an Alternative View of Corrections
Michael Welch
10. Critical and Radical Perspectives on Community Punishment: Lessons from the Darkness
Stephen C. Richards
11. Razing the Wall: A Feminist Critique of Sentencing Theory, Research, and Policy
Jeanne Flavin
12. Similarities in Conservative and Liberal Juvenile Justice Policies: Is There a Critical Alternative?
Preston Elrod
References 181(40)
Index 221(2)
About the Contributors 223

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