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Dark Times Filled With Light

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-11-20
  • Publisher: Open Letter
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Dark Times Filled with Light presents poems selected from nearly forty years of work by the Argentine poet Juan Gelman, translated by the late Hardie St. Martin. Although virtually unknown in English literary circles, Juan Gelman is a significant contemporary Argentine intellectual figure and one of the most read and influential poets in the Spanish language. Perennially on the short list of Nobel Prize candidates, Gelman has won numerous international prizes, including the Juan Rulfo Prize (2000) and the Cervantes Prize (2007)."The most coherent, and also the most daring, participatory repertoire (in spite of its inevitable wells of solitude), and ultimately the one most suited to its environment, that Argentine poetry has today." -Mario Benedetti

Table of Contents

Introduction xi
From Violin and Other Questions (1956)
Watching People Walk Alongp. 5
From The Name of the Game (1956-1958)
I Sit Here Like an Invalidp. 9
Strike at the Construction Sitep. 10
From One Man's Wake (1961)
One Man's Wakep. 13
The Art of Poetryp. 15
Winterp. 16
The Thiefp. 17
The Girl on the Balconyp. 18
From Gotán (1962)
Gotánp. 21
Stuck in Parisp. 22
A Woman and a Manp. 24
The Endp. 25
From Colera Buey (1964-1971)
For the Time Beingp. 29
Friendsp. 31
Hymn of Victory (In Certain Circumstances)p. 32
Another Mayp. 33
Questionsp. 34
From John Wendell's Poems (1965-1968)
XVII: At Daybreakp. 37
CCLXI: These Poemsp. 38
CHI: I Saw My Country's Map in Yellow One Dayp. 39
From Dom Pero's Poems (1965-1968)
CDLXXXI: In a River Five Leagues Wide at Its Narrowest Pointp. 43
From Yamanacuchi's Poems (1968)
IV: The Sun on the Day's Crestp. 47
XVI: He Was Born on the Brink of a Disastrous Dayp. 48
XX: Those Who Created Godp. 49
From Sidney West's Poems (1968-1969)
Lament For Gallagher Benthamp. 53
Lament For Butch Butchanam's Turtle Dovep. 55
From Relationships (1971-1973)
Snowsp. 59
Recognitionsp. 60
Redsp. 61
Couragep. 63
From Facts (1974-1978)
Factsp. 67
Time Schedulesp. 69
Things They Don't Knowp. 70
Deathsp. 71
From Notes (1979)
Note IIIp. 75
Note Vp. 76
Note XIIIp. 77
From Open Letter (1980)
IV: Crestfallen My Burning Soulp. 81
XVI: Punishing Lovesp. 82
XX: Early on the Soul Begins to Hurtp. 83
From If Gently (1980)
If Gentlyp. 87
Quiet at Lastp. 88
Walking Nowp. 89
Alonep. 91
From Commentaries (1978-1979)
commentary I (saint theresa)p. 95
commentary II (saint theresa)p. 96
commentary III (saint theresa)p. 97
commentary IV (saint theresa)p. 98
commentary VII (saint theresa)p. 99
commentary XI (hadewijch)p. 100
commentary XVIIp. 101
commentary XIXp. 102
commentary XXp. 103
commentary XXVIII (saint John of the cross)p. 104
commentary XXXVIIp. 105
commentary LXIII (van gogh)p. 106
From Citations (1979)
citation I (saint theresa)p. 109
citation IV (saint theresa)p. 110
citation VI (saint theresa)p. 111
citation XV (saint theresa)p. 112
citation XXXV (saint theresa)p. 113
From Under Foreign Rain (footnotes to a defeat) (1980)
Ip. 117
IIp. 119
XIIp. 120
XVIp. 121
From Southward (1981-1982)
What Have They Donep. 125
You Tastep. 126
From Jose Galván's Poems (1981)
Rodolfo Said Itp. 131
Awakeningp. 133
Nowp. 134
Nestsp. 136
Other Writingsp. 137
Youp. 138
From The End (1981-1982)
Fuocop. 141
From Julio Greco's Poems (1981)
The Beauty of All Things Createdp. 145
From That (1983-1984)
Rainp. 149
From Corn/Positions (1984-1985)
Exerguep. 153
The Doorp. 155
Faithlessp. 156
The Banishedp. 157
The Sleeperp. 158
The Prisonerp. 159
The Judgmentp. 160
The Momentp. 161
Moments During the Battle of Alfuentep. 162
The Jasminep. 163
Invitationp. 164
On Learning That My Enemy Had Diedp. 165
The Phoenixp. 167
Whenp. 168
From Announcements (1985)
Each Time I Go Down the Rue Des Arts and Aprilp. 171
From Letter to My Mother (1984-1987)
i received your letter 20 days after your death andp. 175
did cancer do it?p. 175
you / who held off your death so longp. 175
we seldom wrote each other during these years of exilep. 175
i weighed 5.5 kilos at birthp. 176
are those the ghosts i haunt myself with now?p. 176
you always knewp. 177
what oblivion is ever peace?p. 177
and this afternoon / isn't it full of you?p. 178
through you i came to the beauty of the dayp. 178
From The Wages of the Profane (1984-1992)
The Animalp. 183
Couragep. 184
The Wordp. 185
Likep. 186
Young Venetian Lady's Dürer Portrait Revisitedp. 187
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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